

Outlook for corporate default rates remains elevated in Europe, particularly in France, but low in the U.S.

如何一个评级机构吗?一些看起来to think that you can evaluate ratings by looking at their impact on market prices. If a rating change is not accompanied by a change in bond spreads — or if bond prices diverge markedly from levels implied by ratings — some see it as a “failure” by the ratings providers.


如果市场的反应不同 - 或漠不关心 - 到评级行动,这并没有对评级行动的质量说出任何事情。例如,以欧元区主权评级。在近期债务危机前多年来,希腊和意大利等国家颁发的市场价值债务大致与AAA评价的德国政府债券相提并论,尽管其信用评级明显降低 - 即使在2004年进一步降级之后–’05. It is a good example of how markets are volatile and prone to over- or undershooting, whereas ratings remain relatively stable.

Credit ratings are forward-looking opinions about the relative creditworthiness of borrowers and the securities they issue. The higher the rating of an issuer or debt issue is, the lower the probability of default, in the rating agency’s opinion. To judge the performance of ratings, therefore, you have to look at their correlation over time with defaults, not with short-run movements in market prices.



在全球范围内,2012年违约的66家公司和金融机构都没有标准普尔投资 - 年级(BBB-及以上),其中大约80%的人在开始时被评为B-或更低2012年,全球90%的企业违约 - 包括所有9个欧洲违约者 - 有初始评级,是子投资级(BB +及以下)。10%的最初额定投资等级,平均时间默认 - 第一个评级与违约日期之间的时间 - 是17.6年。




As we have said many times, we were very disappointed by the performance of our ratings on certain U.S. mortgage-backed securities. We regret that, like many others, we did not foresee the speed and severity of the U.S. housing downturn. In other areas of structured finance, including mortgage markets outside the U.S., our ratings have generally held up well in the crisis and have continued to perform strongly.

Outlook for European Corporate Defaults



Looking ahead, we anticipate that the corporate default rate will be 6.3 percent at the end of June 2014. This is slightly higher than our previous 6.1 percent projection for March 2014, although lower than what we have experienced in recent quarters.



We remain concerned about the broader effect of the financial crisis on the credit quality of companies with significant business exposure to the euro zone periphery. Larger companies, in the main, have been able to protect their financial risk profiles by refinancing maturing debt through the bond market. Smaller companies with weaker financial risk profiles, however, remain highly reliant on their relationship banks to roll over existing debt. Loan-funded LBOs originated in 2006–2008 have also benefited from collateralized loan obligations investors’ acquiescing to amend-to-extend transactions that delay the maturity of their leveraged loans.


The U.S. Outlook

S&P Global Fixed Income Research expects the U.S. corporate trailing 12-month speculative-grade default rate will increase to 3.3 percent by March 2014 from 2.5 percent as of March 2013. Although a rise, that is still below the long-term average of 4.5 percent.

This forecast is partly based on assumptions that the U.S. economy will grow by 2.7 percent in 2013 and unemployment will decline to less than 7 percent by first-quarter 2014. We do not expect the Federal Reserve to raise the federal funds target rate until 2015, even though it is likely to taper off asset purchases by the end of this year or early 2014. We expect that the housing market will continue to improve and the manufacturing sector will benefit from the relatively cheap natural gas prices.

Investor demand for higher-yielding securities helped push new corporate speculative-grade-bond issuance in the U.S. to a record high of $98 billion during the first four months of 2013. Despite persistent investor concerns regarding Europe’s fiscal challenges and the continued uncertainty in parts of the Middle East, easy access to the credit markets has helped keep default occurrences low in recent months.

Investors appear to have become more selective in recent months, however. New bond issuance rated B- and lower comprised only 21 percent ($21 billion) of the total speculative-grade bonds that came to market in the first four months of 2013, compared with nearly 37 percent ($42 billion) during the last four months of 2012, according to S&P Global Fixed Income Research. A sustained disinterest in lending to companies at the lower end of the rating spectrum could trigger an increase in defaults, since these companies tend to have less financial flexibility and are often reliant on the credit markets for capital to fund operations or refinance maturing debt.




Yann Le Pallec是欧洲,中东和非洲的行政总经理,标准普尔差饷地租
