
消费者 - 奢侈品:第三

    Louise Singlehurst&团队

    路易斯·斯蒂尔斯特在摩根士丹利领导三支球队,从亚军攀登到第三名。Last year the London-based analysts added coverage of two stocks, bringing their total to 15. Among them, Swatch Group is the team’s top pick for 2013, largely because the Swiss watchmaker offers the best exposure to the entry-level luxury-goods category within China, which the team predicts will be an outperforming market in the coming year. Swatch shares leaped 32.9 percent in 2012, roughly in line with the sector’s advance. Singlehurst “is usually easily accessible, which is somewhat atypical for a bulge-bracket analyst,” observes one New York–based hedge fund manager. In addition, “she does good fieldwork in greater China, which is integral to the sector, and is not afraid to have sell ratings — which is very unusual, in my experience,” this investor adds.