


经过25多年的前沿法拉多资本管理,托马斯斯泰耶已准备好发射其职业生涯的下一阶段。但他仍然究竟有关他计划的究竟是什么 - 也许是因为他计划做很多事情。

在过去的几年里,一个狂热的民主党人的Steyer导致了一个不足的双命作为政治权力经纪人,教育活动家和能源政策评论员。本土纽约人对加利福尼亚采用的家庭状态的热情如此明显地燃烧,即法尔隆的一些投资者猜测他可能会有一天跑去办公室。但是,北卡罗来纳州夏洛特民主国家公约是民主国家公约的特色发言者的特色否定了任何盛大的政治野心 - 尽管他不是说他避开了一个好的灰尘。他说,借用朋友乔治·赫卢茨(George Shultz)的一句话,“民主不是观众运动。”


Thanks to Steyer’s efforts, “39,” as it is known colloquially, is expected to raise $1 billion a year for the state, half of it slated to fund energy efficiency and clean-energy redevelopment projects in California schools and other public buildings for the next five years. The effort will not only provide much-needed construction jobs in California but also advance one of the causes closest to Steyer’s heart: energy conservation. A pragmatist to the core, Steyer is clear-eyed about the need to achieve greater energy independence by tapping into the U.S.’s vast shale oil and natural-gas reserves — hydraulic fracturing, he concedes, is here to stay — but he’s intent on encouraging responsible fracking and putting more resources behind new technologies to combat global warming.


“这就像第二次世界大战 - 我们只是希望在其他地方发生的可怕事情不会发生在我们身上。但我们没有被孤立。全球变暖不是您可以在外交政策和税率之间处理的东西。这是您的外交政策。这是您的税率。“

Steyer and his wife, Kathryn (Kat) Taylor, are so committed to raising awareness of alternative energy resources that they made a $40 million gift in 2009 to Stanford University, their alma mater, to establish the TomKat Center for Sustainable Energy, within the school’s Precourt Institute of Energy, to focus on and fund academic research into new technologies. In 2010 the Steyers made a $7 million gift to Stanford to create the Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance, an interdisciplinary center supported by Stanford Law School and the Graduate School of Business to study and advance innovative approaches to clean-energy policymaking. In 2011 they followed up those efforts by donating $25 million to Yale University to help launch the Energy Sciences Institute, another interdisciplinary research center.

斯泰尔也愿意在学术界之外建立自己的组织来推广新思想。例如,2011年,他与哥哥詹姆斯·斯泰尔(James Steyer)合作创办了“下一代中心”(Center for the Next Generation),这是一个非营利性组织,旨在为能源和教育方面的重大公共政策辩论提供独立、无党派的资助。该中心主要关注儿童问题和环境问题,目前正计划开展一项全国性的活动,旨在提高人们对美国儿童目前面临的教育挑战的认识。


“我不会惊讶地看到他仍然从事加州国家一级政治甚至参与国家一级,”Makena Capital Management Partner Jeffery Mora说。“汤姆是一个非常聪明的人,令人明白的个人真正走着谈话,而且一直对我留下的事情是他愿意卷起他的袖子,涉及并走到以上。”
