
经济学与战略 - 股权战略:第二

美国银行Merrill Lynch,在过去三年里度过了亚军位置,跳到了第二名。

    David Cui,Nigel Tupper&Team
    美国银行Merrill Lynch

    美国银行Merrill Lynch,在过去三年里度过了亚军位置,跳到了第二名。在该地区的关键市场驻扎的十几名策略师,剧团是针对的大卫崔,谁也共同领导(与托马斯黄)该团队排名最高,以获得中国的覆盖范围奈杰特托珀,定量研究中的亚军船员的飞行员。“我们对亚洲前日本的股票是积极的,”Tupper报告。“估值没有被伸展,盈利预期似乎已经萎缩,而该地区应该随着全球经济的恢复而受益。”The analysts are urging clients to overweight companies with exposure to rising domestic demand in Asia and those that export to the U.S. Further, “in a low-interest-rate environment, when yield-based assets remain in demand, we recommend investors position for a rotation from defensive yield to cyclical yield,” he says. One portfolio manager praises the group’s “in-depth analysis and solid knowledge of market dynamics.” Adds another: “They are very in tune with everything that is happening and have been a great resource.”—托马斯W. Johnson.