
工业 - 机械:第二个

    Hidehiko Hoshino

    Hidehiko Hoshino连续第四年赢得第2位的第四年;他还声称在植物工程和造船中的亚军职位。瑞银分析师继续敦促客户购买Kubota公司,这是一个总部位于大阪的建筑设备和农用机械制造商,他一直在2008年2月推荐。Hoshino预测该公司将享受2013财年的经营业务利润,该公司于本月开始于2013财年,fueled by the cheap yen (a boon to Japanese exporters), as well as “solid demand” for agricultural equipment in both Asia and the U.S. He’s less sanguine about Yamanashi-based Fanuc Corp. and has been urging clients to sell their shares of the factory automation equipment maker, on expected weak demand for the company’s iconic metal-cutting Robodrill. The device “is finally showing a hard hit on earnings” and a projected drop in sales, he says. Hoshino has “an almost encyclopedic knowledge of global machinery companies by category and comparison,” observes one money manager. “And his help in arranging meetings with top managements is also second to none.” —本马特林