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投资者Hinge ETF Strategy on Fed Tapering Timing

Squeamishness over possible Fed tapering has weighed on ETF markets, but analysts say the key lies in navigating the uncertainty.

在联邦储备委员会于9月18日宣布后,将推迟逐渐减少其量化宽松计划,投资者可以呼吸更容易 - 至少暂时。“逐渐变化是不可避免的”,S&P Capital IQ的交易所交易基金和共同基金研究总监Todd Rosenbluth表示。他说,投资者应利用这种新发现时间来评估他们对若干ETF的利率风险,他表示。


“There also is a budget battle and more data expected to be released on the economy,” says Urano. “That creates a little uncertainty in the markets in general. And risk assets don’t generally do well in times of uncertainty. I definitely want to remain defensive from an interest rate standpoint.”


“ETF investors aren’t locked into a mutual fund or worried about supply in the case of individual bonds,” he notes. The plays, aimed at high yield for greater interest rate risk, mostly depend on two factors: how much over the risk-free rate of return an investor wants to go and the news coming from Washington and elsewhere. ETFs are suitably structured to enable sudden moves in strategy, such as shifting from intermediate- to short-duration bonds, should rates jump or the Fed taper.

With regards to intermediate-duration bond ETFs, S&P Capital IQ’s Investment Policy Committee recommends BlackRock’s iShares three-to-seven-year Treasury Bond ETF as a risk-averse choice. It has a short duration of 4.5 years but a low yield of 1.4 percent. The committee is also talking up Guggenheim BulletShares 2016 High Yield Corporate Bond ETF, which holds riskier B-rated, 4.3-year-duration corporate bonds offering a higher yield of 4.9 percent. Rosenbluth has a negative take on Pimco’s Enhanced Short Maturity ETF Fund (MINT), which has an average duration of just 1.2 years and a year-to-date yield of less than 1 percent.

The MINT exchange-traded fund went down less than many other fixed-income ETFs as rates moved higher over the spring and summer. “If rates don’t keep climbing, you’re just getting less for your investment,” Rosenbluth reasons. But at the same time, he mentions market chatter about the Federal Reserve’s taking action before the end of the year — rumors that were confirmed on September 27 by Charles Evans, head of the Chicago Fed.

“If you take that seriously, the MINT makes sense for you,” Rosenbluth says. “If you don’t and the rates stay around where they are for the next six months, taking intermediate risk is appropriate.”

This past March, Van Eck Global launched the Market Vectors Treasury-Hedged High Yield Bond ETF, a low-duration fund that is long a diversified portfolio of high-yield corporate bonds and short an equivalent amount of five-year Treasuries. The fund’s goal is to mitigate the impact of the Treasury yields “but not the credit risk or movement in credit spreads, due to the long portfolio of high-yield corporates,” says Francis Rodilosso, the fund’s portfolio manager.

“High-yield bonds and credit spreads were at historic lows, and there was a lot of low-interest refinancing,” Rodilosso says of the thinking at Van Eck in late 2012, when the firm started developing the fund. “So interest rate risk was greater than credit risk in portfolios,” which pointed to the need for another product that could limit interest rate risk.

越来越少的投资者而不是乘坐利率不确定性的方法可能希望考虑IndexIQ的Multiagset对冲多策略ETF(QAI)。养老基金,投资银行和电线馆正在2009年3月25日在其平台上推出该基金。基于纽约基金会的基金公司Rye Brook的首席执行官Adam Patti表示,Qai股票,商品,房地产和债券。


Patti says he expects the fund to deliver a total return of 3 to 6 percentage points higher than risk-free investments if rates stay the same or rise — a projection that has already come to fruition so far. “QAI,” says Patti, “outperformed the aggregate bond market by 5 percent this year.”

Read more aboutindexing and ETFs.