


As part of its move into international equities, from the beginning of the crisis in 2008 Artisan Partners purchased shares in European multinationals with attractive growth prospects in developing nations. The $85 billion San Francisco–based investment manager acquired shares in such companies as Unilever, an Anglo-Dutch consumer products maker, and Anheuser-Busch InBev, a Brazilian-owned brewer based in Leuven, Belgium.

"A lot of great franchises were priced for global economic meltdown" despite the fact "they have products that people are going to consume regardless of what happens in any global scenario," says Andrew Euretig, portfolio manager for global equity strategy.

Artisan's investment choices are paying off for its $22.2 billion non-U.S. growth fund strategy, which is outperforming the median return for its peers during the first half of the year, according to Marietta, Georgia–based eVestment, which tracks the performance of 53,000 investment products around the globe. During the first half of 2013, the Artisan Non-U.S. Growth strategy had a return of 7.4 percent, ranking in the 7th percentile — that is, very near the top. The median return for the eVestment peer group — the EAFE All Cap Growth Equity — was 4.77 percent.

Interest in Artisan is part of a broader shift in focus this year by investors. U.S. institutional investors in particular hear opportunity knocking as expectations rise for higher returns in international equities. Evidence of interest in this broad asset class can be found in the June data on search activity by investors, advisors and money managers. European investors, too, have shifted more assets into international equities, but on a smaller scale than in the U.S.


数据显示了这种转变的大小。在第一季度,美国投资者据据他们削减,美国投资者将净新现金净化为净新现金净新现金至股权投资 - 这一季度最大的广泛资产班级。该公司的数据显示,欧洲投资者不包括U.K的欧洲投资者,将净新闻中的970亿美元放入国际股票中。

Source: eVestment

什么是推进国际股票的迁移?据S&P Capital IQ驻纽约州的普通基金研究主任托德罗森·罗森布拉(Todd Rosenblut)据Todd Rosenblut,据纽约州的互联网研究总监,这是提高发达国家市场经济体的全球增长的前景。


此外,Rosenbluth补充说,新兴市场快速眼动ain attractive despite slowdowns in some nations. For example, even though China's economic growth has slowed to an annual pace of 7 percent to 7.5 percent, "it still offers stronger growth prospects than what we are seeing in the U.S. and other developed nations," he says.

For U.S. investors, the first quarter move into international equities was a stark departure from the allocation shifts made in the fourth quarter of 2012. Then, the most significant shift was a net $78.1 billion reduction in investments in U.S. equities coupled with a net flow of $61.5 billion into U.S. fixed-income investment products. The Federal Reserve Board launched its open-ended quantitative easing program late last year, sending bond yields tumbing and bond prices climbing.

U.S. investors found something to like across several international equity classes, according to the data. The largest international shift was a $26.1 billion net increase in holdings of European, Australasia and Far Eastern equity products. U.S. investors also put a net $21.1 billion into emerging market equity funds and $7.2 billion into global equity funds, which invest across the world.


Investor interest in international equities can also be seen in search activity by institutions, advisers and money managers around the world. International equities represented 7 of the top 10 investment universes searched in June, according to eVestment.


