
2013年全美研究团队:Reits,第3号:Jeffrey Spector&Team

& 团队
美国银行Merrill Lynchl



杰弗里斯波斯他在美国银行的八个强大的剧团Merrill Lynch经过三年后的第三名,在亚军现场。“这是街上最深的球队,”一个忠诚的人们赞同。“这非常响应,深入了解它涵盖的部门和股票。”As the improving U.S. economy prompts investors to take more risks and seek out more cyclically sensitive and global stocks, real estate investment trusts are likely to underperform the broader market, the analysts advise, but REITs could still deliver positive returns on better-than-expected earnings and strong dividend growth. The team is urging investors to buy names that can outperform regardless of whether the economy rallies, citing in particular Denver-based DCT Industrial Trust and Glendale, California–based Public Storage. DCT is benefiting from stronger U.S. warehouse market conditions; more exposure than its peers to hot housing markets; and an occupancy rate that has the furthest to go, relative to competitors, to return to its fourth-quarter 2007 peak. As for Public Storage, the self-storage REIT is enjoying a boost to earnings, thanks to peak occupancy rates that give the company continued pricing power, as well as a growing development pipeline and increased acquisition opportunities, among other factors. —Carolyn Koo