






“我们从灰烬中升起,”Oberoi集团,酒店和度假屋拥有孟买物业的酒店和度假村的副总裁Devendra Bharma说。“我们觉得Fenix是一个非常合适的名字。我们的团队在17个月内将酒店带回荣耀。“


The Oberoi is not alone in its resurgence. The全排名包含全球大量明亮的斑点。这一年十大酒店在地理和物业类型方面比过去几年更加多样化。

这些高端特性是酒店业更广泛恢复的最前沿,美国市场 - 正如全球经济一样,一般来说 - 是领先的方式。

“The U.S. luxury segment saw a 5.7 percent increase in room rates in 2014; that’s nearly triple the rate of inflation,” says Bjorn Hanson, professor at New York University’s Preston Robert Tisch Center for Hospitality, Tourism, and Sports Management. “Luxury occupancy rates were about 72 percent, a little higher than the long-term average. And corporate contract rates will increase 5.5 to 6.5 percent in 2015. If we put all these statistics together, it has been a very positive year.”


“Guests are now looking for more value no matter what price point they come in at, whether they’re a suite customer or deluxe-room customer,” says Tim Ananiadis, general manager of Hotel Grande Bretagne in Athens, which ranks No. 2 on the list. That has spurred the hotel to increasingly bundle airport transfers with its room rates; it has also just spent €100,000 ($123,000) to upgrade its IT network to provide free Wi-Fi in all its rooms.

Jonas Schuermann, general manager of third-ranked Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong, points out another significant shift in customer expectations. “In the past, the prestige of being in a five-star hotel was important,” he says. “Now guests are not concerned about the crystal chandeliers. Convenience of time has become a top priority. For today’s clientele, time is their most precious commodity. So our mission is to take whatever we can off their plate. That’s not the reason for their stay with us, but for us it’s an important service we provide.” For example, guests who need a transit visa between Hong Kong and mainland China can simply turn their passport and paperwork over to the Mandarin Oriental’s concierge and avoid the aggravating queue at the consulate.

Likewise, the Oberoi, Mumbai, has responded to the needs of its time-pressed patrons in a number of ways. “Our chauffeurs have started doing in-car meal ordering for guests,” Bharma says. “Before you reach the hotel, you can place your dinner order so that your meal will be served upon your arrival.” The hotel offers 24-hour butler service on every floor to handle guest requests. And the in-room dining menu now caters to busy guests with a new selection of smaller, simpler meals delivered in just 15 minutes — guaranteed.



Grande Bretagne最近花了20万欧元的豪华亚历山大酒吧的室内装潢。“我会说我们在酒吧的三分之一的客户低于25岁,”Ananiadis说。

半岛芝加哥占据世界上最好的酒店的第四位,正在进行一个很大的房间改造,为每个关键人口提供有点东西,从千禧一代到他们的婴儿宝宝祖先。“这将是一个截然不同的样子,”半岛酒店集团美国东海岸的酒店总经理和地区副总裁Maria Razumich-ZEC说。作为改造的一部分,该公司正在取代从亚麻布和地毯到办公桌和衣柜的所有内容,并在每个房间安装浓缩咖啡机和茶壶。客房还将获得55英寸平面电视(65英寸套房)和免费VoIP国际电话。室内平板电脑将为客人的指控为客人服务,从客房服务菜单到SPA服务,以便在酒店和当地的活动列表。“最好的部分是平板电脑内容将是11种不同的语言,”Razumich-Zec说。“这将是非常有帮助的。我们没有巨大的国际市场,也许是11或12%。但我们越来越多。“


The Peninsula chain is also appealing to its hometown crowd in Asia by partnering with Luxe City Guides, a popular Hong Kong–based travel publisher. The result is PenCities, a weekly online luxury lifestyle journal that appears on the home page of each hotel in the chain’s ten cities, highlighting must-dos in the local area. The Peninsula Chicago’s site recently contained stories about the opening of a hot new diner by a James Beard Award–winning restaurateur and a preview of the Lyric Opera of Chicago’s 60th season.


The Ritz-Carlton chain is leading the mobile charge. In August it unveiled a mobile app that guests at its properties — including Ritz-Carlton Chicago, at No. 20 the highest ranked of 12 Ritz-Carlton hotels on our list — can use to check in and out, order in-room or poolside dining and submit service requests.


在社交媒体评论中保持关于您的酒店的评论,可以是全职工作。事实上,在Hotel Grande Bretagne。雅典酒店的数字团队有三位员工,一个专门用于社交媒体的通信。“我看到的方式,在线营销有两个不同的功能,”Ananiadis说。“首先,您必须以正确的方式出现正确的内容。你不能承担任何不在任何平台上。其次,通过促进您的产品,通过促进技术来保留现有客户并吸引新的客户并吸引新产品,您必须积极。“

“独特的”和“正宗”在酒店顶部标签和搜索引擎优化关键词中的“真实”等级。对于半岛芝加哥,这意味着促进其天空溜冰场,这是一个屋顶滑冰溜冰场,在冬天筹集了两个孩子的慈善机构。香港的普通话东方酒店拥有三家米其林 - 主席的餐厅,以及Schuermann的话,“香港最佳保密”:Krug Room,一家12个座位的餐厅,拥有亚洲最大的克鲁格香槟馆。孟买Oberoi声称印度的前24小时水疗中心。


在Peninsula Chicago,Razumich-ZEC每周拥有12个不同的员工成员,以确保每个人在服务方面都在同一页面上。“我们谈谈客人的说法,他们的部门发生了什么,如果他们有他们需要做这项工作的工具,”她说。“我们的员工知道他们有一个店面,他们可以与我和我们的H.R.董事讲话。”这项努力在员工忠诚方面得到了报酬。Razumich-ZEC估计,20%的工作人员已经存在了十年或更长时间,而另外60%至少五年。


3月2015展开,复苏的势头ket will no doubt give the Oberoi and its fellow top hotels further opportunities to prove to guests — and social media followers — that their dedication to exceptional service is anything but arbitrary. “Our topmost priority is to have a consistently high level of service,” Bharma says. “How you treat your guests is what brings them back again and again — the key differentiator that sets you apart.”
