


When Comcast Corp., the largest U.S. cable television and broadband Internet provider, announced in February that it was acquiring Time Warner Cable in a $69.8 billion deal, the takeover capped two contrasting career peaks for Brian Roberts and Robert Marcus.

For Roberts, 55, Philadelphia-based Comcast’s chairman and CEO, the prospect of a merger with Time Warner, the country’s second-largest cable company and No. 3 Internet provider, represented the latest milestone in a dramatic, deal-driven turnaround of the company he has led since the early 2000s. The purchase of AT&T Broadband for $72 billion in 2001 and the 2011 acquisition of NBCUniversal were among the key deals that transformed Comcast, which had less than $1 billion in annual revenue in the 1990s, into the media behemoth it is today, with revenue of $68 billion and a market capitalization exceeding $140 billion.


该合并代表了摩根斯坦利投资银行的前共同主席Paul Taubman的另一个胜利,他建议康卡斯和JPMORGAN Chase&Co.(The Time Warner Cable由Allen&Co.,Centerview Partners,花旗集团和摩根代表Stanley.) Taubman, who left Morgan Stanley in 2012 to form New York–based PJT Capital, has been so prolific as a solo deal maker that through November he ranked 14th on Dealogic’s 2014 U.S. M&A league table. Fees for the banks advising on the merger could total $140 million, according to Freeman Consulting Services and Thomson Reuters.


然而,有一次,野卡不是交易本身,而是在它周围发生的更大辩论。11月初,巴拉克·奥巴马总统(Barack Obama)总统来自民主党人在国会中期选举中的民主党人“刺痛失败”,得到了支持更强的规定保护网络中立,互联网服务提供商必然会平等地治疗所有流量的原则。康卡斯特一直处于法律努力的最前沿,以阻止FCC移动,以调节基于网络中立。


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