
2014年的交易:Medtronic,Covidien Home In Tout-Up


去年6月,美敦力董事长兼首席执行官奥马尔·伊什拉克(Omar Ishrak)和科维登(Covidien)董事长、总裁兼首席执行官何塞·阿尔梅达(JoséAlmeida)宣布合并两家医疗器械公司,进行收购,美敦力将支付468亿美元现金和股票。但引起关注的不仅仅是交易的价格标签:总部位于明尼阿波利斯的美敦力(Medtronic)最近一个季度的净销售额为44亿美元,该公司做出了一个颇具争议的决定,将新公司的主要执行办公室设在都柏林,而规模要小得多的Covidien,该公司在截至9月26日的季度实现销售额27.3亿美元。此举将使该公司能够避免美国对海外利润征税,而这一举措正值税收倒挂似乎呈上升趋势之际。

决策推力是ishrak,58和Almeida,52,进入一个不断增长的美国对经济反转影响的辩论。That fight, which spawned new regulations to make inversions tougher, began in April with the announcement that New York–based Pfizer was interested in buying London-based AstraZeneca and move the new company’s headquarters to the U.K. (AstraZeneca would reject the offer.) Medtronic’s purchase of Covidien made headlines soon after, followed by Burger King Worldwide’s announcement of plans to buy Canadian doughnut chain Tim Hortons and set up headquarters in Toronto. What had been painted by those involved in the deal Medtronic-Covidien as a significant but secondary feature of the tie-up became a public lightning rod. Scrutiny increased in the second quarter as the Obama administration cracked down on inversions and Democratic lawmakers introduced legislation to stop the practice, but people close to the Medtronic-Covidien transaction said politics had little impact on it. Ishrak held fast, telling journalists that the goal wasn’t avoiding taxes but combining two complementary businesses poised to take advantage of changing global health care needs.

Luke Sarsfield说:“这里有很多激励因素,但我认为从根本上讲,这是关于设备行业和医疗保健更广泛的战略演变,以及最终医疗技术公司需要不仅仅是纯粹的产品供应商;他们需要成为解决方案提供者。”,总部位于纽约的高盛集团(goldmansachsgroup)美洲医疗集团联席主管,该集团是Covidien的代表。


Medtronic的代表是Perella Weinberg Partners和美国银行美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch),后者将获得3800万美元的费用。高盛(goldmansachs)将从这笔交易中获利5800万美元,这笔交易定于2015年初完成。


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