


投资者本周在醒来之后重新校准期望联邦储备的12月政策声明星期三看到广泛预期的语言改变为最终货币收紧铺平了道路。新闻对市场情绪的净影响已被看涨,自2013年1月以来的标准普尔500指数达到了最高一天的收益。纽约GMP证券的主要收入战略主任Adrian Miller在一份报告中写道clients this morning, “Thursday was all about the market’s reaction to a positive message from the Fed and an initial bounce in crude prices that power global risk prices higher as credit spreads narrowed, bond yields rose and the U.S. dollar strengthened.” On a slow economic data day leading into the Christmas break next week, U.S. markets appear to be an increasing complacent mood despite storm clouds abroad.

日本银行持有课程。日本银行州长Haruhiko Kuroda他的同事今天重申了今天,中央银行的宽松运动将以80万亿日元(6700亿美元)的年度速度继续下降。在新闻发布会上,Kuroda指出,明年初的石油成本可能会对消费者价格通胀量大,使银行的目标水平更加难以实现。在一个正面票据上,Kuroda还注意到出口正在改善,工业生产水平似乎达到了拐点。



立法通过帮助努力努力俄罗斯银行。The State Duma, Russia’s lower house of parliament, passed draft legislation that will clear the way for up to 1 trillion rubles ($16.8 billion) in additional capital for the weakened banks drawn from state coffers in the latest attempt by the Kremlin to stabilize the nation’s reeling finances. This news follows the easing of capital requirements and other controls announced earlier this week by regulators.

标题抓住定罪香港As the Hang Seng index rose by over 1 percent today, billionaire Thomas Kwok, co-chairman of Sun Hung Kai Properties, was convicted of bribing government officials in one of the highest-profile fraud cases in the Special Administrative Region’s history and the highest level prosecution yet pursued by the Independent Commission Against Corruption in its campaign against graft.