
2014年全巴西研究团队:教育,2号:Thiago Capucci Macruz

    Thiago Capucci MacruzItaúBBA第一名外观:0



    在此阵容的第二个地方重复是ItaúBBA分析师Thiago Capucci Macruz.,谁也声称医疗保健的第3个点。他对这一群体的前景是积极的。SãoPaulo的研究人员说:“我们相信公司将继续从较高人数来自较高的学生的经营杠杆的福利。”“加上,我们还尚未看到整个部门的进气增长趋势。到目前为止,该部门的增长趋势持续非常强劲。“在四个巴西教育名称Macruz Covers中,GaecAnfação自12月中旬以来一直是受欢迎的。Given the São Paulo–based university owner and administrator’s attractive combination of low short-term valuation multiples — including a projected price-earnings ratio of 14.2 times for this year — and relatively small student population, he advises, even marginal M&A activity has the potential to be transformational. In April, Anima management announced that it intended to acquire São Paulo’s Universidade São Judas Tadeu, a postsecondary provider, for 320 million reais ($146 million), sending the stock skyward. In May, Macruz reiterated his position — and by the end of July, GAEC had risen 38.7 percent, to close at 28.83 reais and best the broad market by 30.9 percentage points. His target price for the stock is 36.80 reais.
