

Part of Institutional Investor's Report on Smart Beta

    To capture yield and mitigate risk, investors have embraced smart beta strategies. Rules-based and transparent, they reweight traditional cap-weighted indexes by a variety of specific factor exposures.

    使用智能测试到超越市场SEPTEMBER 2014因子多样化:高盛资产管理的ActiveBeta股权战略SEPTEMBER 2014How Advanced Beta Is Changing the GameSEPTEMBER 2014Smart Beta Not New, Not Beta, Still AwesomeSEPTEMBER 2014

    A number of smart beta providers describe the growing awareness, adoption and implementation with a look forward to sophisticated applications that are changing how risk is measured and returns are achieved.


    Pension funds, endowments, insurance companies and other institutions are seeking new ways to drive returns, but, still smarting, they want them on a risk-adjusted basis. “We’re in a world of scarcity of returns, and it’s difficult to beat the benchmark by sector and country allocations alone,” says Francois Millet, ETF and indexing product line manager at Lyxor Asset Management. “Smart beta strategies are based on rewarded risk factors and provide higher and more stable returns.” Smart beta has stepped into the spotlight.

    Traditionally, institutions have engaged active managers to achieve alpha, the selection of assets, strategies, and tactics that will outperform a market benchmark. Beta is the return achieved from the overall market itself. The returns of a broad index fund, such as an exchange-traded fund (ETF) based on the S&P 500, is a good example, and investors often use such passive investments as a core element to maintain market exposure. The key here is that the components of a traditional index are selected in proportion to their market value, or market capitalization, which puts more emphasis on the largest companies. Investors have found that this does not drive returns and can introduce unwanted risks.

    这可以实现投资组合,减少风险enhance overall returns.

    “In 2008, many institutional investors were disappointed with their active managers’ response to the financial crisis, and losses were often greater than common benchmarks,” says Lynn Blake, CIO, global equity beta solutions at State Street Global Advisors (SSgA). Many ultimately decided that active managers had made negligible contributions to investment performance and increased their allocations to passive strategies. Cost was another factor. Between 2009 and 2013, the portion of assets under active management by UK pension funds fell to 53.6 percent from 66.8 percent, according to the Investment Management Association.


    “增加了对被动策略的拨款只是解决方案的一部分,”布莱克说。Cap-Proceding自动对最大的股票产生最大的影响 - 这可能会被高估。集中风险也是一个问题:这些最大的股票可能集中在特定部门或由少数非常大公司组成。在固定收益指标中,市场加权可以提高欠债公司或国家。

    Smart Beta类似于因素投资,这是一段时间已经存在的概念。但他们是两件不同的东西。“以传统的基于因子的方法,有更多的股票风险暴露;伊世科学测试版的全球产品专家Eric Shirbini说,您没有多样化其他风险。“ERI科学测试版智能测试版或称为智能因子'时,将识别所有股票在特定的基于因子的索引中,但使用基于多样化的权重方案。“这就是市场上缺少的东西,”他说。现有的智能测试策略可以通过利用基本或因素驱动,加权方法,但这种方法忽视多样化,实现特定的智能测试策略,例如限制波动性或产生收入。“作为投资方法的基础,传统的CAP加权指数存在巨大差距,”邀请国会ETF的董事总经理Dan Draper说,Invesco Powershares资本管理。



    有很多关于智能测试版是一个活跃或被动策略的讨论,真相介于两者之间。“聪明的Beta坐在两者之间,”Eri Scientific Beta的Shirbini说。它既不是100%的活跃也没有100个被动。“这是规则驱动的,所以这是一种被动的风格,但它没有被动地追随市场,也没有曝光某些因素,”他补充道。出现一个重要的问题:随着智能测试版的增长,投资者是否更换了加权投资,或者他们更换了积极管理吗?投资者认识到,加权投资过于集中,令人担忧的是大量增长股中的超重,但更重要的是,他们也开始意识到智能测试人员做的是活动经理所做的:价值倾斜,市场分部倾斜,动量倾斜,“他补充道。

    Sara Shores, managing director and head of strategic beta at BlackRock, says she had expected new allocations to smart beta strategies to come predominantly from market cap-weighted indexed investments, but that wasn’t necessarily the only case. “It’s also a potential replacement for active management, because of the lower cost, lower governance, and need for less oversight, but we see it funded from both sides,” she says. She observes that the general trend is to streamline the investment lineup by reducing the number of active managers and giving higher allocations to index funds and smart beta. Her colleague Ronald Kahn, managing director and global head of scientific equity research at BlackRock, says, the impact is on active management,” pointing out that strategic beta takes what active management does and puts it into a transparent, low-cost product. “Now active managers can focus on driving alpha,” he says.

    “轶事,它是一个有效管理的替代品,”SSGA的Blake表示,64%的受访者对SSGA的调查称,Smart Beta是一个可行的积极管理的可行替代品。答案都是。当智能测试版应该是主动或被动股权分配的一部分时,russell指数的受访者将平等分开。“我们看到从积极长期的管理人员来拨款到唯一的”智能测试版“策略,”AQR的以色列说,即长/短策略的人经常来自替代和对冲基金拨款。他指出,投资者目前正在承认他们目前正在接触这些经典的回报来源,而是以更糟糕的方式和更有效率的方式。

    许多投资者具有核心卫星方法,通常使用市场上加权指数作为核心,并利用许多积极的管理者来追求卫星策略。“In this strategy, we’ve found that the risk exposures from active managers tend to cancel each other out,” says Matt Peron, global head of equities, Northern Trust., noting that there usually unintended exposures that need to be mitigated in the indexes as well.

    “投资者可能持有积极的组合managed strategies, cap-weighted indexed strategies and smart beta strategies within a diversified global multi-asset portfolio,” says Rolf Agather, managing director of global research and innovation at Russell Investments. Determining which strategies are preferable will depend on the investor’s individual beliefs, objectives, tolerance for risk and time horizon. Integrating smart beta strategies within a broader portfolio requires a high degree of assessment and ongoing analysis and review, similar to those of any active strategy. “For example, smart beta strategies that target the same factor, such as low volatility, can differ in their construction, and can have significant differences in market exposures and performance,” he says. Investors need to have a thorough understanding of the objectives and the construction methodology of a smart beta index, and how the index can be expected to perform in a range of market cycles.



    “虽然有积极的经理,但在适当的基础上以纯粹的alpha擅长市场的积极管理人员,有许多其他相对于市场(传统alpha)的表现优于这一点,这主要可以通过暴露于一个或多个普遍因素来解释,”高盛资产管理(GSAM)的Activebeta股权战略负责人Kal Ghayur。因此,寻求提供有效捕获共同因素的智能测试策略,因此可以被视为基于因子的主动管理的被动替代。此外,对于在市场上的广泛指数曝光的投资者,智能测试策略可能会增加优惠来源,同时与积极管理相比,通常提供更多透明度,简单性和更低的费用。

    “It’s the third pillar, in addition to active and passive, of a dynamic institutional portfolio,” says Lyxor’s Millet. Smart beta is intended to be integrated into the core portfolio of institutional investors, weighing generally between 10 and 40 percent of their passive management. “In some European pension funds, sometimes smart beta indices exceed 40 percent of their core portfolio,” he explains. More traditional investors allocate it to their active asset management.

    由于对投资组合的决定性因素和有目的的融合,美国投资者通常会看到智能测试版,因为更多的积极战略与其他积极管理人员竞争,在Eri Scientifc测试版中解释了Shirbini。欧洲投资者将其与较低成本实现相对退货的基于规则和半被动方法。在这种情况下,有两个应用程序。“如果Active Manager没有表演,资产所有者通常可以更有效地重复策略,并且以较低的成本更高,”他说。此外,在查看整体风险和评估风险时,资产所有者可以在一个特定区域中有太多的情况添加一个因素来平衡和缓解。“例如,如果您的价值超重,则可以将增长智能测试策略添加为资产分配决策的一部分,”他说。






    Second, investors that explicitly allocate to smart beta strategies to capture factor returns, and separately allocate to active managers with demonstrated uncorrelated excess returns, have added an additional layer of diversification, he says.



    “聪明的前两名使用β是减少风险and return enhancement.” Says Russell’s Agather. After the financial crisis, many pension plans were severely underfunded. To improve funding ratios, they needed to maintain significant allocation to equities, he explains, and defensive/low volatility strategies enabled them to benefit from exposure to the growth in equities while reducing volatility. “There is an inverse relationship: lower risk has meant higher returns in a down market,” he says, and allocations to low volatility index funds lowered the overall volatility of a fund. Today, with equities at record highs and most pension plans at 100 percent funded levels, the same strategy is used for derisking.

    Over the past three years, more investors have embraced a strategic combination of factors. “The greatest demand is the multi-beta-approach,” says ERI Scientific Beta’s Shirbini, pointing out that combining them gives smoother performance over time. Factor returns are quite cyclical, but the timing of cycles can vary, so the idea is to invest in a range of indices that aren’t correlated. “Smart factor investing isn’t a short-term strategy even when investing in multiple factors,” he says. “You have to think over the long term, and at least through one complete cycle but by investing in multiple factors relative drawdowns are reduced.” Many investors combine low volatility, which performs well in a falling market, with value, which performs better in a rising market. “In our current bull market, low volatility has become slightly less popular now, so some investors are combining value with momentum,” he says, “but the key to smart beta investing is to think of the investment over the long term.”


    Identifying Objectives

    Implementing smart beta is about problem solving and addressing specific investment issues strategically. “Investors want to capture smart beta in relation to their risk budgets,” says GSAM’s Ghayur. “The idea is to provide a framework for investing in smart beta, within the context of an overall portfolio. It’s not a specific product -push solution.”

    Low volatility and fundamental indexes dominate the smart beta strategies being evaluated and used by asset owners, according to Russell Indexes’ survey. However, there are regional differences. Fundamental index usage is much greater in the US and UK, while low volatility is the dominant strategy in continental Europe and Canada.

    据Cogent Research / Invesco Powershares表示,低波动性资金确实经历了最大的增长,几乎在2013年倍增。目前未使用智能测试etf的三分之二的受访者表示,在未来三年内,他们可能会使用低波动性资金。在近年来,管理波动性的需要变得更加重要,并且正在推动这种趋势。“投资者需要收入,但利率接近零,许多人正在分配给低挥发性ETF,”Powershares'Draper说。“没有人愿意通过毫无准备的另一个金融困境生活。”进入高股息的基本加权和股票回购ETF也预计也会显着增长。


    根据投资目标的不同,有可能be a number of combinations and strategies. For example, an asset owner may wish to lower the total volatility and potential drawdown of an equity portfolio. “A low-volatility plus quality diversification strategy may help achieve that objective,” says GSAM’s Ghayur. Similarly, a value plus low-volatility diversification strategy’s objectives are return enhancement as well as risk reduction, and is designed to help improve risk-adjusted returns. Another investment objective might be to outperform the policy benchmark, while managing the risk and magnitude of potential underperformance. A momentum plus value diversification strategy might help achieve this objective, he explains.

    “In the early days of 2010-2011, the question was how to apply this way of thinking,” says Shores at BlackRock. Institutions tend to be quite siloed with separate groups devoted to equities, fixed income, alternatives, and others. “It’s often hard for them to be holistic,” she says. But factor investing is becoming more of an accepted concept. Now the larger investors are beginning to think in terms of risk premia and the idea that there may be better ways to allocate among them. “Three or four years ago, we heard ‘I want one factor,’ like low volatility or equal weight,” she says. Now it’s about allocation to combinations of risk factors. “It’s powerful to create a custom portfolio that allocates among them, and it highlights the best attributes of strategic beta,” she adds. Kahn adds, “A custom strategic beta strategy coupled with index and active strategies will together likely deliver a more consistent performance than just index and active strategies by themselves.”

    Looking broadly, it’s best to integrate as many factors as possible. “You want to capture as many proven and diversifying styles as you can and have them work together, not in siloes, but interactively,” says AQR’s Israel. The issue is how the various portfolios net out. “Say there’s a stock that may not quite meet the criteria for the value portfolio and also may not quite meet the criteria for the momentum portfolio,” he says. “That’s potentially the cheap, outperforming stock that you might want to own the most.” The idea is to put together a rules-based portfolio that takes into account the interaction of styles, which can also save on trading costs and taxes for a taxable investor. “It’s about craftsmanship—a thoughtful selection of those elements that work best in combination,” he says.



    The idea is to achieve a more balanced allocation of risk within fixed income. “We ask, ‘What are the risk factors that are driving returns?’ and we treat rate risk and credit risk in a more balanced fashion,” says BlackRock’s Shores. It’s the same process of asset allocation, but through a risk-factor lens. Other fixed income strategies customize a parent index or portfolio of assets to reduce downside credit risk. It might underweight or eliminate downgraded securities or those with the highest risk of default, reinvesting those proceeds in a thoughtful and risk-controlled manner to retain the same broad risk and return characteristics of the benchmark. The expectation is that the strategy will outperform in down markets.

    还有其他技术也是如此。如果发行人被各自的传播分类为减法,则在中间发现最佳风险调整的返回。“以最低的差价为安全,不提供足够的回报,最高的风险,最高,是风险的,”Quoniam Asset Management在赫尔穆特Paulus,CIO,CIO和管理合作伙伴解释道。“我们喜欢中间的甜蜜点。”并违反直觉,他解释说,持续时间风险取得了不奖励。“这是每单位风险的最大回报的短期性能,”他说。“通过对利率的敏感性来排序发行人表明,比短期纸张更少的回复更长的债券更加挥发。按照持续时间和发行人的多样化和发行人信誉进行分类,可以将锐利的比例提高30%以上,但它需要严格的定量研究和数据评估,发行人选择和定期重新平衡,以保持市场的风险和返回动态。

    The development of multi-asset strategies that predominantly use passive implemented exposures reflect broad factor asset allocation views is another dimension in the broadening beta toolkit. “This requires effective diversification across asset classes that achieves the best results for a strategic portfolio. One version focuses on rewarded risk factors, the drivers of return that underlie each asset class,” says BlackRock’s Kahn. Risk factor-based allocation strategies aim to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns by focusing on the drivers of return, as opposed to asset class views, to achieve more efficient diversification.

    Examples of risk factors include macro factors like interest rates, inflation, credit, political, liquidity and economic risk, in addition to style factors including value, momentum, quality and volatility. For example, an investor holding high-yield debt will expect to be compensated for all the risks to which they are exposed to such as interest rates, inflation, credit and liquidity risk, over the long term. To create a portfolio diversified by risk factors, the manager identifies which combination of asset classes gives the best exposure to each. Passive holdings are then combined to provide better balanced exposure allowing for capital growth with limited volatility. “This could change the landscape of investing,” says BlackRock’s Shores.


    Is it Smart, Strategic or Advanced?

    Smart beta has become the term accepted by the marketplace for indexes that are not cap weighted, or more specifically, for alternative ways to gain exposure to the market based on risk factors or market segmentation techniques. However, the tag remains a controversial choice. “We don’t believe there’s an industry standard,” says Sara Shores at BlackRock. “The term ‘strategic beta’ better describes the products and strategies we’ve developed that seek to deliver exposure to the factors that are long-term drivers of asset class returns.”

    Other terms include advanced beta, engineered equity, factor indexes, alternatively weighted indexes, and many others. “Smart beta is an unfortunate and provocative term,” says Lynn Blake at SSgA. “We call it advanced beta, or alternative beta, which are true to what these strategies represent.” She explains that it implies that anything other than a non-cap weighted approach isn’t smart. “The term smart beta suggests that a cap-weighted portfolio is not relevant, and it very much is,” says Lyxor’s Francois Millet. Cap-weighted beta forms the basis of most benchmarks, it remains central to many investing strategies, and is the only portfolio that everyone can hold. “We prefer the term ‘engineered equity,’” says Matt Peron at Northern Trust. It captures what we’re trying to do with compensated risk factors—engineer them in or engineer them out.” n


    由于它们的低成本,灵活性,透明度和实施方便,智能测试型ETF在过去一年中经历了巨大的增长。根据Invesco Powershares的调查,他们现在在4个机构决策者中由4名机构决策者使用。此外,2013年美国ETF股票流量超过四分之一进入了智能的Beta ETF,即使这一类别占ETF行业的19%的资产。

    According to several surveys, most institutional investors have a high level of awareness of smart beta. More than two-thirds say their awareness of advanced beta as a concept is excellent or good, while a similar portion say the same about their understanding of different advanced beta strategies. Investors in Europe, where advanced beta strategies are better established, are more familiar with the concept: 70 percent describe their awareness of advanced beta as excellent or good, compared with 57 percent in the US, according to SSgA’s “Beyond Active and Passive: Advanced Beta Comes of Age.” Knowledge about advanced beta also varies between different investor types. Public and private pension funds report high levels of awareness about advanced beta as an investment concept, while endowments and foundations say they are less familiar.

    智能测试版采用正在发生并发生广泛。根据Russell Indexes的“Smart Beta的”智能测试版,32%的资产所有者目前调查的资产所有者具有智能的测试版分配:更深入地了解资产所有者感知。“最大资产业主的采用最高,管理层(AUM)资产超过100亿美元的人,已有46%已经进行了智能的β拨款。此外,他们更有可能在未来18个月内评估智能测试版或计划。在10亿美元至100亿美元的人中,77%的响应类似,而这些一半的人数不到10亿美元。

    根据Cogent Research / Invesco Powershares的说法,机构专业人士使用智能Beta ETF的主要原因源于他们的信念,即这些资金普遍优于市场。此外,这些ETF为投资专业人员提供了更有效的方法,可以多样化其投资组合和减少整体组合波动性。那些尚未纳入智能Beta ETF的人融入他们的策略引用普遍缺乏熟悉程度。有34%的受访的机构决策者是不熟悉的。其他受访者引用缺乏轨道记录(12%)和积极管理的偏好(9%)。

