


Last month a lawsuit filed by GRQ Investment Management against Financial Engines caught the attention of market participants tracking the rise of so-called robo-advisers. Co-founded by legendary economist William Sharpe, Financial Engines is a Sunnyvale, California–based online adviser focused on defined contribution pension plans and individual investors; it has $824 billion under administration and $92 billion under management. Plano, Texas–based GRQ alleges that the firm has infringed upon GRQ’s patents on systems used to provide computer-based advisory services (see also “随着Robo-Adviser收集资产,该模型仍然未经证实“)。



金融服务不是唯一面临着知识产权投资组合管理人员的法律行动的唯一行业,也称为专利巨魔,该专利巨魔获取现有专利,以便在据称由商业运营的公司侵犯这些专利。The number of suits filed in the U.S. by patent trolls climbed to 3,134 in 2013, according to data provider PatentFreedom, a part of San Francisco–based RPX Corp. That tally was almost 20 percent higher than in 2012 and accounted for more than half of the year’s patent infringement suits.


Patent litigation can have a disastrous impact on smaller firms. “There are companies whose sole purpose is to sue anyone that might infringe on a patent from a nonoperating company,” says John Frankel, founding partner of ff Venture Capital. “This creates quite a dynamic for a start-up, and patent litigation can end up being an unfair burden on them,” adds Frankel, who launched New York–based ff to focus on early-stage investments after spending more than two decades with Goldman Sachs Group.

Some critics argue that the bigger threat of overzealous intellectual-property defenses is the risk of stifling innovation. “Technological or other innovation in our industry is never the result of huge investment or back-breaking intellectual effort that should be rewarded with exclusive use of the invention to the extent that it forecloses others from inventing similar things and thereby slows our progress,” contends Thomas Peterffy, founder and CEO of Interactive Brokers.


“我特别反对专利保护inventions that are not actively used by their inventors,” says Peterffy, who in the 1970s and ’80s played a key role in the development of electronic trading of securities and the adoption of algorithmic trading models, particularly for derivatives. Interactive Brokers, which has existed in its current form since 1993, has more than 800 staff and some 268,000 customer accounts.

虽然对金融服务业的知识产权诉讼令人担忧,但在近期可能有理由,但法律专家们注意到最近的案例历史可以支持运营公司。“最高法院的意见爱丽丝公司v。CLS银行是关于软件可专利性的重要决定,“伊利诺伊州理工学院芝加哥肯特学院知识产权教授的法律和主任教授David Schwartz说。“然而,决定的影响是2014年6月出来的,将花一些时间来解决。”

The U.S. Supreme Court quashed Alice’s lawsuit against CLS Bank International, a New York–headquartered specialist in currency settlement services, ruling that its claims for a patent governing software that manages electronic escrow funds transfer were vague to the point of abstraction. According to Schwartz, the case will have an important bearing on similar suits. Until the courts offer more clarity, though, online advisers appear to remain vulnerable to attempts to enforce older patents.

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