
2014年新兴EMEA研究团队:中东北非股权战略,第2号:John Lomax,Raj Sinha&Team

    John Lomax,Raj Sinha&Team



    汇丰银行从亚军突飞费,以重新夺回2011年最近索赔的2号职位。John Lomax.raj sinha.共同指导11分析师 - 其中五分之一以迪拜为基础,在沙特阿拉伯和两个在伦敦。他们的中东和北非部门部门组合跨越102个名字,僧侣报告,投资者欣赏这一范围。“我最喜欢他们的是他们的覆盖范围,”一位货币经理评论,他还向客户提供的外展和化学品行业的闪光笔记。Saudi Arabian petrochemicals along with Egyptian and Qatari banks are among the HSBC crew’s favorite market segments for the balance of 2014. Driving the performance of Saudi petrochemicals stocks is increasing demand, particularly from China, at a time when a “supply vacuum has been developing,” Lomax reports. Against this backdrop, the strategists are forecasting a “constructive dividend yield” and “widening margins” for the group, he notes. For their part, Egyptian banks represent a “play on [the economy’s] recovery on the back of the restoration of political order,” Lomax explains, with pent-up loan demand redounding to the benefit of those institutions as the cycle picks up. Finally, Qatari banks are similarly poised to benefit from their “exposure to strong domestic demand,” he adds. “We prefer Qatar to the United Arab Emirates, partly on valuation grounds but also because the economy appears to be at an earlier stage in the cycle, posing less risk of overheating.”