
2014新兴EMEA研究团队:金融类,第一名:Bob Kommers及其团队

    德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)



    位居榜首的是德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)的小组鲍勃Kommers该机构监控着大约80家地区金融公司。这9位分析师分别在迪拜、伊斯坦布尔、约翰内斯堡、莫斯科和华沙的办公室工作,投资者对他们的客户服务和产出表示欢迎。“他们是土耳其股票研究领域最活跃的,”一位基金经理表示。“他们昼夜不停地进行高质量的研究,并不回避提供短期的阿尔法主题。”今年到5月为止,该板块的表现比整个地区市场高出1.5个百分点,上涨4.5%,但“表现一直不稳定,反映了该地区的地缘政治动荡,”45岁的Kommers说。他和他的团队预计挑战将持续到今年年底。“盈利势头减弱,如果投资和政治风险不大幅降低,很难看到估值恢复到周期中期水平。”然而,他们继续青睐中东和北非,他补充道,并指出“强劲的收益增长和相对较低的投资风险仍未完全反映在价格中。”最后,研究人员对土耳其的前景是喜忧参半的。Kommers解释说,这个市场“从长期来看仍然很有趣,但过去几个月的强劲走势限制了近期的上行空间。” At a company level, Deutsche’s crew is bullish on Hungary’s OTP Bank, based on the stabilization of its Russian and Ukrainian operations, as well as improvements in its Southeastern European operations. “We expect earnings to surprise on the upside, and that is not priced in,” he advises. At 5,000 forints, their target price implies a potential gain of 3 percent for the stock from its value in late May. The analysts also like Türkiye Halk Bankası. “It has a deposit-funded balance sheet and a favorable asset mix, which shelters the bank from the regulatory and interest rate pressures facing the Turkish banks,” explains Kommers. Halkbank’s valuation is also attractive, they believe, in particular as corporate governance concerns have eased. The shares closed May at 16.30 lira, and they project a rise to 17 lira. This year, Kommers also co-leads, with Aleksandar Stojanovski, a runner-up team in Chemicals. “I love the fact he will respond to my questions ‘live’ when we are both listening to a company’s quarterly management call,” one fan comments.