
2014年全日本研究团队:工厂工程和造船,第3号:Hirosuke Tai

    Hirosuke Tai.



    向第3号的一个职位是Hirosuke Tai.。Daiwa证券集团分析师对其“良好的管理层,伟大的会议,特别是他的植物之旅”的实力升高了他的留下深刻印象深刻的客户。“当你走在植物周围时,他似乎甚至是焊工甚至是焊工。”今年研究人员最喜欢的名字是Chiyoda公司,这是一个综合承包商,为全球提供工程服务和监督碳氢化合物和化学品行业的工业设施。基于卡奈瓦的公司,泰国建议,保持了一个“非常高的市场份额”,高达全球能力的40%,建设液化天然气的植物。What’s more, he says, Chiyoda last year embarked on a management plan to be implemented through the fiscal year ending in March 2016. Dubbed “Seize the Moment, Open up New Frontiers,” the scheme calls for expanding the geographic footprint of the company’s core natural-gas and LNG operations. “Many countries, such as the U.S., Mozambique and Malaysia, for example, are willing to construct LNG plants,” Tai explains, “which will be the biggest business opportunity for Chiyoda.” In addition, the company is diversifying into new lines of business, such as renewable energy sources. All of this should buoy its shares to ¥2,000, the analyst believes, far ahead of the ¥1,425 they commanded in mid-March.

    另见Hirosuke Tai的个人资料2012年全日本研究团队