费尔南多费雷拉和伊莎贝拉西西诺州指导美国银行Merrill Lynch团队从第三名上升到2号;他们还将公司的第二位群体指导食品和饮料。在这一部门,他们的三人圣保罗分析师监控20股拉丁美洲农业股票,讲道选择性和建议公司细节决定部门表现的投资者。“在自上而下的观点上,我们继续更加乐观,相对于谷物和肥料等其他领域,Ferreira说,”基于对全球更高的糖价的期望市场应在供过于求四年后进入一段时间的不足。“在此背景下,研究人员已向巴西生产商Cosan,SãoMartinho和SLCAgrícola分配了买入评级。他指出,突出SãoMartinho指出,盈利势头来自乙醇价格增加,最近的管理公告刺激了股价。5月初,马提比奥报告说,它将获得糖和乙醇磨机Santa Cruz的额外56%的股份,持续31580万Reais(1.419亿美元),将其总股权提高到92%以上。At the same time, it advised the markets that New York–based auditor Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu’s reappraisal of the company’s undeveloped land holdings indicated a value of R3.1 billion for the portfolio, not far off Martinho’s market cap of R3.6 billion at the time. By late July the stock had rallied 22.4 percent, climbing to 39.80 reais and besting the broader market by 15.8 percentage points. The researchers predict that the next catalysts could be an increase of the blend of ethanol in gasoline from 25 percent to 27.5 percent, the sale of biomass energy at spot prices in Brazil and the potential sale of part of Martinho’s land portfolio.