
2014年拉丁美洲研究团队:金融/非银行,第2号:Alexandre Spada&Team

    Alexandre Spada&TeamItaúBBA第一名外观:0



    Alexandre Spada将他的ITAúBBATROUPE引导到这个名单上的重复第二位完成。“没有人在亚历山大的情况下融入细节中,”坚持一个投资者。“这使得他的数字是街上最可靠的数字。”总部设在圣保罗,三个涵盖九股和计划在年底增加两个。拉丁美洲的非银行业财务在2014年前六个月攀升了17.4%,而区域市场的1.3%的进步相比。“该部门在2014年上半年进行了出色的表现,拥有所有我们在巴西覆盖的所有公司击败了IBovespa - 一些广泛的优势,”Spada的备注。然而,Bolsa Mexicana de Valores是一个例外,并且表现不佳。“在今年剩下的时间里,我们不会指望所有巴西公司继续跑赢,因为目前的一些估值是相当长的,特别是Cielo和BM&F Bovespa,”Spada Notes。“我们也不会下注Bolsa Mexicana作为这个时期的表现优势。”然而,分析师们有利于巴西的笑容,航空公司GOL的空气里程 - Linhas aleas Inteligentes。 It is their their top pick because “earnings momentum continues to be quite compelling, and the company has been introducing several innovative and successful products to the loyalty industry in Brazil, which may contribute to the maintenance of favorable results as those initiatives mature over time,” he says. Moreover, owing to “some interesting accounting features, Smiles is poised to show compelling revenue and, therefore, earnings-per-share growth rates until 2016, quickly diluting its price-to-earnings multiple,” Spada adds. His group is also recommending Brazil’s Cetip, which organizes that country’s over-the-counter markets, thanks to its stable earnings, protection against inflation and high payout ratio.