

U.K. unemployment edges down; FedEx releases quarterly results; PBOC takes liquidity action.


Across the pond, the Bank of England released more new information about the state of the U.K. economy, with Monetary Policy Committee minutes from the last meeting showing that seven of the nine committee members voted to keep interest rates at an ultra-low 0.5 percent. U.K. unemployment dropped to 6.2 percent during the three-month period ended July, compared with February to April, according to the U.K. Office for National Statistics. During the latest period, wages in the country rose 0.7 percent, the weakest reading since 2001.

U.S. is harvesting a bumper corn crop.只有4%的总作物收获date, the latest reports from the U.S. Department of Agriculture reports indicate a record year for U.S. corn production. The department estimates the total harvest will exceed 14 billion bushels.

PBOC采取行动。今天媒体报道表明了新的有针对性的流动性行动中国人民银行那the country’s central bank, that will see up to 500 billion yuan ($81.2 billion) passing into the banking system. The fresh capital, in the form of three-month loans, will reportedly be placed with the five largest banks in the nation in tranches of 100 billion yuan. In light of the slowdown in recent economic activity indicators, any move from Beijing to stimulate liquidity in short-term credit market stands to be a bullish signal for Chinese risk assets.

欧洲的通缩恐惧减少 - 有点。August consumer inflation levels for the euro zone released today by Eurostat registered slightly higher than consensus forecasts with the headline index expanding by a seasonally adjusted annualized 0.4 percent. Despite the marginal beat, price growth remains at multiyear lows and well below the欧洲央行’s target of just below 2 percent despite the two accommodative actions taken by the central bank this summer.

FedEx is delivering results.总部位于孟菲斯的FedEx Corp.定于今天发布第一财政季度盈利。在前一季度,该公司的标题收入同比增长4%至地面和货运区内收益114亿美元。过夜承运人的报告经常被视为整体美国消费者和商业活动的指标,以及电子商务等段。

投资组合视角:捍卫积极管理-Jason Desena Trennert,Strategas Research Partners

While the claims that active investment is dead haven’t reached the status of工作周1979年8月“股票的死亡”封面故事,这种呼叫正在更频繁地重复,并且在更高的分贝级别中重复。在2014年7月/ 8月期刊上财务分析师杂志查尔斯埃利斯是,研究公司Greenwich Associates的创始人发表了对金钱管理行业的青年时代的兴趣。华尔街日报has highlighted the penchant of individual investors to eschew stock pickers in favor of indexation as well.





• Low nominal growth environments create winner-take-all markets;



Jason DeSena Trennert is the managing partner of New York–basedStrategas Research Partners以及该公司经纪人经销商附属公司战略证券的主席和首席执行官。这是八月研究报告的摘录。