
ASEAN Seeks Its Place on The Global Commerce Map

An Institutional Investor Sponsored Report on the ASEAN Region


    By Ben Davies

    克里斯·瑞安有哈d a tough time selling ASEAN at global investment forums. Until recently, the Hong Kong-based managing director of Asia Pacific for MSCI has been shocked by the lack of investor awareness about a market comprised of 10 countries in one of the fastest-growing regions of the world.



    去年,外国直接投资五大东盟经济(印度尼西亚,马来西亚,菲律宾,新加坡和泰国),达到了1280亿美元的历史记录。该数字远远高于中国收到的1170亿美元。“东盟和大湄公河郊区的最大风险不是在那里,”一般电动泰国的首席财务官Jirapun Pongpanite说。


    根据东盟秘书Le Luong Minh,大约80%的国家在东盟经济共同体总体计划方面均已实施。其中包括ASEAN的经济一体化法律框架的修改以及贸易和投资的全面协议。尽管如此,他承认,仍然有足够的工作来消除所有关税,并确保金融服务部门和资本账户的全面自由化。

    Taking the First Step

    Kamalkant Agarwal, an advisor to the Executive Committee at Siam Commercial Bank, believes that the official launch of the AEC is simply a first step in a long process. “It is important to have a milestone so people can work towards it,” he says. “This is a long journey, but there is no turning back.”



    泰国银行州长的Prasarn Trairatvorakul将成为东盟的光明未来,因为该地区在全球经济中追求更接近的融合,特别是中国和印度。额外的动力可能来自缅甸,柬埔寨,老挝和越南等相对较低的东盟国家之间的快速经济增长,统称为大湄公河次区域(GMS)。


    东盟也面临着巨大的挑战,从普遍的腐败和贫困金融部门的治理范围,基础设施不足和财富的差异不足。在一个题为“东盟 - 前进的方向”的论文中,新加坡李宽旺公共政府公共政策学院的院长吉尔玛布巴尼认为,该地区最近的成就面临着显着的结构弱点。“东盟国家在迎接自己的截止日期时有一个混合的记录,”他写道。“一个危险是,他们将满足于执行其规定的改革目标的70%,宣布政治胜利,并放弃30%。”



    Part of the reason is that government debt levels in the region, while rising fast, are well below those of many other emerging and developed countries. According to the IMF, the government debt to GDP ratio for the five largest ASEAN economies was 37 percent in 2013. That compares with 93 percent in the United Kingdom and 108 percent in the US.




    Hugh Young, managing director of Aberdeen Asset Management, continues to see value in ASEAN. Although he believes that stocks are no longer cheap, he expects regional growth to be supported by a number of factors. “The region is home to a population of 600 million, and growth prospects are underpinned by favourable demographics, a growing middle class and increased urbanization,” he says. “As labor costs in China become more expensive, ASEAN is also looking increasingly attractive as a low-cost manufacturing hub.” n

    Focus on the Philippines

    东盟经济中的脱颖表演者是菲律宾。一旦被视为区域落后田园,出口不断增长的经济上涨7.2%,消费支出和更高的制造业产出增加了7.2%。今年,经济可能会缓慢到静止持续的6.4%。在很大程度上,这反映了Typhoon Haiyan的影响,最致命的菲律宾台风在记录中。去年11月,巨大的风暴袭击了全国的广阔地区,杀死了6000多人。对今年不利影响经济的其他因素包括较慢的政府支出和收紧货币政策。

    Despite the challenging environment, most economists remain upbeat—with GDP forecasts predicting a 6.7 percent expansion in 2015. “This projected growth remains one of the fastest in the East Asia region, second only to China among the major economies,” says World Bank country director Motoo Konishi. Inflation is under control at less than 5 percent. Meanwhile the country has managed to lower its debt-to-GDP ratio to 49.2 percent in 2013 from 71 percent in 2004. As a result, the government has been able to double social services spending over the past four years.


    One of the major factors in the Philippines’ turnaround has been renewed political stability. Since the election of Benigno Aquino as president in 2010, the country has undergone widespread reforms ranging from a clampdown on corruption to the closing of tax loopholes and a reduction in the yawning fiscal deficit.


    政府还促进了在新道路,桥梁,港口和机场的支出。如果该国希望在公共投资不足之下,该国希望将该国与其东盟邻居的差距结束差距,则该项目将被视为至关重要。Deutsche Bank的经济学家Diana Del-Rosario指出,在2014年第一季度,实际的公共建设将同比增长22%。Metro Manila的道路项目以及今年年初开始建设的Skyway Stage项目的道路项目推动了增长。




    Credit rating agencies have responded to the improvements with a string of upgrades that promise to increase foreign confidence in the Philippines. In May, Standard & Poor’s raised the Philippines’ sovereign credit rating from BBB- to BBB, two notches above investment grade. S&P praises widespread reforms “to address shortcomings in structural, administrative, institutional, and governance areas.” Furthermore, the rating agency believes that improvements in government revenue generation, spending efficiency and levels of public debt are likely to continue even after the current administration has left office. His term ends in June 2016, but there is some speculation that Aquino might seek a change in the country’s constitution that would allow him to run for re-election.

    Some Problems Persist


    The World Bank estimates that the country will need to spend an additional 5 percent of GDP on health and education to increase labor productivity and competitiveness of Filipino workers. “Going forward, the Philippines can sustain high growth by accelerating structural reforms and increasing investments in infrastructure and in the health and education of the Filipino people,” said Karl Kendrick Chua, World Bank senior country economist for the Philippines.


    For their part, investors who bought into the Philippine stock market when Aquino took office have had a giddy run. Since June 2010, the market has almost doubled.Yet some analysts worry that Philippine equities are no longer cheap. The MSCI Philippines is currently trading on a forward PER of 18.4x against a long-term average of 14.5x. While a correction may not be imminent, any further upside is likely to depend on the government’s ability to maintain its reform momentum during the upcoming electoral season—which is already getting underway.