

    <2014年全美研究团队 Brent ThillubsFirst-Place外观:0



    从第三名到2号,他最近在2008年获得的职位是布伦特蒂尔瑞银。在旧金山营业,他报告了29名美国软件名称,并打算在最初的公开产品增加时增加一年的年终。Money Managers赞美分析师,为一个人配给他的“巷子里的集会”公交车旅程,将投资者放在公司管理团队面前。Thill’s top pick is Redmond, Washington–based Microsoft Corp. “While Wall Street was too focused on the personal computer side, Microsoft has been engineering a broader shift to the cloud, steadily returning excess capital to shareholders, and still trades at a favorable multiple for a company that could significantly improve its operating margin profile over time,” he explains. His price objective of $50 represents an 8.1 percent premium to the shares’ mid-September trading value. Thill “was early to recognize the changes at Microsoft,” remarks another booster, “and he saw the weakness in Jive Software before the pack.” Looking ahead, the researcher anticipates uneven performance by companies in his sector next year. “It’s a tale of two cities — on one side you see pure-play software vendors that have modern architectures and will continue to do well,” he explains. “On the other side of town, you have legacy vendors that have not addressed the shift to cloud and subscription and will stall out.”