

    <2014年全美研究团队 约翰麦克唐纳桑福德;
    Bernstein & co .第一出场次数:1



    Sanford C. Bernstein & Co.连续四年位居第二约翰·麦克唐纳这是他在这支球队的第一次排名第一,他的敏锐和经验赢得了赞誉。一位心存感激的基金经理宣称:“他在收益电话会议上提出了尖锐的问题,直击投资者的核心问题。”另一位支持者坚称,更广泛地说,麦当劳是“了解该行业监管问题的最佳人选”。考虑到这位分析师的经历,这不足为奇。在加入卖方之前,麦克唐纳曾在纽约联邦储备银行担任监管律师,拥有哈佛大学法学院的法学博士学位和纽约康奈尔大学劳动关系学士学位。随后,他在瑞银(UBS)和美国银行证券(Banc of America Securities)研究银行股,并于2008年跳槽到伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)。这位45岁的研究员坚持认为,“资产负债表状况良好,但低利率、贷款增长缓慢和交易量不温不火使盈利前景黯淡。”因此,他正在密切关注预期加息的时间和步伐,以及随之而来的借贷和交易的增加,以及诉讼和监管成本的缓解。至于具体的公司,他认为,总部位于纽约的花旗集团(Citigroup)在风险回报平衡方面是集团中最好的,他还指出,市场预期非常低。麦当劳指出,该公司股票表现不佳,是因为市场参与者对该公司压力测试失败、缺乏资本回报和交易量缓慢感到失望。 In late March the U.S. Federal Reserve rejected Citi’s capital plan for the second time in three years, and investors punished the bank’s shares, selling off 8.9 percent over the following two weeks. As of mid-September, the nation’s third-largest bank holding company, by assets, was up 4.3 percent since March, at $52.31, but lagged the broad U.S. market by 2.8 percentage points. He deems its valuation attractive and forecasts that earnings per share and return on equity will improve in 2015 and beyond, as legal costs decline, management’s efficiency efforts take hold and global markets improve. “We also believe that Citi will pass the Fed’s 2015 stress test process and secure the Fed’s approval to begin distributing a meaningful amount of its excess capital in 2015, which should mean rising dividends and share buybacks for the next several years,” concludes McDonald.