在连续两年位居第二之后,Viju乔治j·p·摩根第一次登上榜单第一名(当年的头号分析师尼米什•乔希今年2月离开里昂证券,为总部位于班加罗尔的移动广告网络提供商InMobi负责并购和投资者关系工作。)一位客户表示,乔治“对自己所在的行业掌握得非常好,而且超越了金融建模的范畴”。研究人员称,他对印度信息技术股票的立场是“选择性看涨”。尽管在截至10月底的12个月里,该股上涨20.2%,但仍落后于整体国内市场4.1个百分点。他说,一方面,目前1000亿美元的市场增长正在放缓,但“通过自动化和工具,该行业已经能够通过大幅提高的生产率来管理利润率”,并仍然能够在可持续的基础上管理低至10%的扩张。他建议投资者青睐那些业绩正在改善、但在这种增长背景下估值不算太高的公司,比如浦那的电信软件开发商Tech Mahindra。38岁的乔治也继续看好班加罗尔的咨询和软件服务提供商Infosys,该公司有好转的希望。他认为,Infosys“在过去两年里,行业增长严重滞后”,原因是策略不合时宜(Infosys 3.0),执行不力,以及围绕高层管理人员变动的不确定性。他认为,这些问题正在得到解决,特别是在6月份任命维沙尔•西卡(Vishal Sikka)为Infosys首位非创始首席执行官之后。 Sikka took over in August, and George considers him a leader who “understands the digital space well and can potentially bring innovation differentiation to Infosys over the medium to long term.” At the same time, although the analyst considers Tata Consultancy Services to be the best-managed company in this sector, he would be more constructive on the Mumbai-based global IT consulting services provider’s stock if its share price declined, given that the valuation is climbing. George joined J.P. Morgan in 2010 after working as an IT analyst at Edelweiss Capital in Mumbai. He graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras in Chennai with a bachelor’s degree in engineering and received an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta.