Leon Cooperman,Larry Robbins和Greg Williamson是一群顶级投资者,他们在与我们共同欣赏即将到来的视频系列。亚慱体育app
While my colleagues sat in the grand ballroom of the Pierre in New York last Wednesday filing coverage on提供alpha.该一天通过机构投资者和CNBC共同主办的年度投资会议,在酒店的四楼的一个不良亚博篮球怎么下串会议室中取得了一天的八个投亚博赞助欧冠资者和对冲基金经理。这是一排的第二年,即我发现自己从大会的大会上脱离了从美国财政部长的年度访问以及一些世界上最好的投资者的罕见外观,就像Stanley Druckenmillerand肯尼斯格里芬。但在这两种情况下,我们想在会议上拍摄一个视频系列,同时远离包括威廉阿克曼,卡亚慱体育app尔·伊坎和纳尔逊Peltz的演讲者的狂热。毕竟,亚博赞助欧冠长期以来一直试图在商品,广播和金融网站提出的市场上提供不同的视角。
事实证明,我确实可以听到一些发言者,包括财政部长杰克lew.在Paul Marshall之后,伦敦的对冲基金公司马歇尔WACE的联合创始人和首席投资官,取消了他的10:00。与我们采访。听取lew的网络安全和公司税的言论,我忍不住想知道他对什么都想到了华尔街日报sscathing op-ed前一天就有多么有趣,正义与花旗集团在失败的抵押贷款投资的情况下的解决方案几乎完美地与花旗赛的那些业务恰逢其时。猥亵似乎没有想到;他的前同事也不是观众。
一旦CNBC的Kelly Evans开始在投资全球舞台上的小组上烧烤烤箱,我就会恢复到我的第四楼藏身处。毫无疑问,机构投资者难以在他们亚博赞助欧冠的投资组合中占据长期观点。埃文斯问道Jane Mendillo.是,哈佛大学捐赠的传出首席执行官,是因为在去年的现象牛市中对美国股票的Poltry分配来说,她是否正在离开。门尔多回答了一个明确的没有,后来捍卫哈佛的使用alternative investments。
I left the ballroom during Citadel CEO Griffin’s interview and went upstairs to meet Greg Williamson, CIO of Chicago-based BP America. As if on cue, Williamson immediately emphasized that he was happy to talk about opportunities and challenges in the markets, but he wanted me to know he measures his time horizon over many years. Though Williamson noted that the markets are under the influence of central bank interventions, upcoming elections in the fall and legal and regulatory events, he said that in the end he needs to be able to pay his pensioners as promised. Whether he wins in one quarter doesn’t affect that.
威廉姆森提出的话题之一,我认为迷人的是机构投资者对长期固定收入投资的巨大兴趣。亚博赞助欧冠虽然这是一个不太华丽的话题,但在Pierre的舞厅中讨论的那些,但企业养老金计划需要匹配他们的负债 - 所有这些薪水都要写 - 他们手头的资产。这意味着它们不断捕捉30年的债券 - 并改变公共市场的动态。
Lawrence Robbins told me that companies’ ability to borrow at cheap rates is creating great investment opportunities right now (a theme he touched on during the “best ideas” panel, I later learned). “Unlike in 2007, when companies were borrowing for the short term, now they have access to almost permanent capital at cheap prices,” explains the founder of New York–based hedge fund firm Glenview Capital Management. “They can build a new factory, invest in new capital equipment or buy one another. That’s exciting.” Of course, he adds, investing in such companies is not without risks: The challenges are that “we’ve never been here before” when it comes to the central bank policies being promulgated around the world these days.
Omega Advisors’ Leon Cooperman was in a hurry. The legendary investor, who is Robbins’s former boss, met me on the fourth floor at noon and emphatically let me know that his next stop was lunch withChris Christie。他不想错过新泽西州长的一句话。虽然Cocherman焦急地等待罗宾斯完成,但我对自己的十几岁儿子在以色列的恐惧时分享了我的令人敬畏(Cooperman是以色列计划的一个大捐助者),他说他的孙女也在那里。但他似乎越来越关心,让他的粗糙比在以色列被解雇的导弹。Cooperman向我保证,他会给我几分钟的市场挑战和机遇,但首先他想谈谈慈善捐赠,告诉我他对新泽西州的家庭州圣巴纳巴斯医疗中心的2500万美元捐款。
通过他的思想对美国eq库普曼加速uity market, which he believes is fairly valued, even if there are still many opportunities in individual stocks . He said conditions for a bear market aren’t here yet, but if there’s a big run-up in stock prices from here, he’d have to get bearish. With that he removed his microphone, grabbed his bags and with a slight stoop raced out to see Christie.
经过2:45 that afternoon I was tired, but Kim Lew and Meredith Jenkins, co-CIOs of nonprofit Carnegie Corp. of New York, revved me up again when they arrived a little early for their scheduled interview. I could see right away that this conversation was going to be fun. The dynamic pair laughed and raised the energy for everyone in the conference room, including the video crew, after a long and hot day. We talked about Mary Callahan Erdoes’s responses to Kelly Evans’s aggressive questioning on whether she might succeed Jamie Dimon as CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co. Lew said that any parent (she has three young children) would know that theJ.P. Morgan Asset Management首席执行官正在给埃文斯“看”,一个非语言队列意思是“你现在要结束这个,对吧?”
Visit our亚慱体育app视频中心8月11日,查看我们2014年的第一个视频交付Alpha系列亚慱体育app。与此同时,查看去年的系列,“阿尔法死了吗?“
Follow Julie Segal on Twitter at@julie_segal。