
Searching for Solutions to a Complex Challenge


    Developing effective retirement income solutions is a complex challenge. Many of today’s retirees want the assurance of a guaranteed stream of income without giving up control of the underlying assets. Others are concerned about the risks of inflation, expensive medical bills or outliving their money. “No one has found the magic bullet for retirement income,” says Todd Perala, director, Strategic Initiatives at Retirement and Trust Services, BMO Global Asset Management. “It’s hard to help people understand the issues and make informed decisions when they reach retirement age.

    With an estimated 10,000 Baby Boomers retiring every day, according to a 2012 Social Security Administration report, demand is growing for retirement income solutions. “About one-third of investors have a strong desire for a predictable cash flow,” says Jim Sandidge, product director, retirement products for PNC Asset Management Group.

    That demand is spurring sponsors of defined contribution (DC) plans such as 401(k)s, individual investors with IRAs and SEP-IRAs, and financial service providers to find products and strategies to turn a retiree’s accumulated assets into guaranteed income with the flexibility to address changing needs later in life.


    Annuity sales on the rise



    • Single premium deferred income annuities that can provide income beginning later in life, such as age 80 or 85. “Because this product has 20 years to build up the account balance, it can manage the risk of outliving your money for a relatively modest amount of money,” says Perala.

    • Variable annuities where income is derived from funds invested in various asset categories. “Variable annuities appeal to dividend stock buyers,” says Sandidge. “They want to buy growth in a comfortable way while receiving a guaranteed stream of income.”


    • Accumulation-oriented annuities that provide guaranteed lifetime income but do not offer other potential benefits.

    Many providers now offer no-load and low-load annuities with drawdown provisions that provide retirees with more options in the future. These investor-friendly features – along with the Baby Boomer retirement wave – are helping to drive the growth of annuities in the U.S.


    “尽管在今年的前六个月内的利率下降,但固定的年金销售继续推动整体年金销售增长,”Limra Secure Retirement Institute年金研究所高级分析师Todd Giesing表示。



    Katz adds that DOL recently issued new regulations that allow DC plans to add Qualified Long Annuity Contracts (QLACs) to their investment menus. “This would allow participants to allocate a portion of their portfolio to a deeply deferred annuity that might not provide payments until age 80 or 85,” he says. “Life expectancy is one of the more difficult challenges with guaranteed income, and QLACs provide a solution to dealing with longevity risk.”



    “The annuity products are getting better and are becoming more transparent,” Perala says. “Just as we have seen a shift to auto enrollment, auto escalation and target date funds (TDFs) in DC plans, it’s likely that a retirement income product will be built into the plan as well. However, it’s not clear how soon that will happen without a regulatory guarantee.”


    从更广泛的角度来看,许多DC计划赞助商are striving to educate participants about how their accumulated asset balances translate into income. For example, a participant might feel that $250,000 in assets is enough for a comfortable retirement ¬– until she sees that total will only produce $10,000 a year in income assuming a 4 percent return.

    Because every individual has different goals and risk tolerances, a financial advisor can play a pivotal role in educating plan participants and other investors about retirement income.




    That might mean constructing a retirement portfolio divided into three segments: an immediate annuity for lifetime income, a single premium deferred annuity for income after age 85, and assets that can continue to grow in value throughout the retirement period.


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