
2014年拉丁美洲研究团队:墨西哥,第1号:Carlos Capistran,Carlos Peyleelongue&团队

    Carlos Capistran,Carlos Peyleelongue&团队银行Merrill Lynch第一名出场:7



    经过两年的第二名,美国银行美林奇回收了这个阵容的顶部点。从他们的基地在墨西哥城,Carlos Peyreelongue.和新人卡洛斯卡斯特兰在一个基金经理的意见中,共同引领了代表“最佳团队,[与最佳本地颜色[以及最深层联系的分析师。研究人员在2013年将六个名称增加了墨西哥股份的覆盖范围,筹集总额为14,并计划在未来几个月内增加多达四个。“Appetite for research on Mexican stocks continues to increase among investors as structural reforms continue to unlock investment opportunities,” explains Peyrelongue, 45. Given the strengthening of the domestic economy and the improving U.S. housing market, BofA Merrill’s troupe is advising clients to focus on the country’s industrials, materials and real estate sectors. One favorite on that theme is Mexico City–based Empresas ICA, which the analysts raised from sell to buy in April. The market had grown too bearish on the direction of government spending, they believed, and Mexico’s largest engineering and construction concern would be a big beneficiary once government spending did substantially increase. Indeed, by late July, Empresas’ shares had jumped 14.2 percent, to 24.67 pesos, besting the Mexican market by 5.1 percentage points. On the flip side, they caution, clients should avoid consumer discretionary and staples names. “The Mexican consumer is still experiencing headwinds,” Peyrelongue notes, “and a recovery in consumption patterns could take longer than anticipated.” This year the researcher also co-leads, with Guilherme Vilazante, the No. 2 Cement & Construction team and the third-place squad in Real Estate; with Francisco Rodríguez, he co-captains a group that wins a runner-up spot for its coverage of North Andean Countries. His co-leader joined BofA Merrill in 2011. Capistran, 40, previously worked as an economist at the Banco de México and an analyst and head of tax policy evaluation at the country’s Ministry of Finance. He earned three economics degrees: a bachelor’s from Mexico City’s Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México then a master’s and Ph.D. from the University of California, San Diego.