
2014全亚洲研究团队:技术/硬件,No. 1: Sheng-Jung Cheng (Robert) &团队

    Sheng-Jung (Robert)程
    美国银行(Bank of America)
    美林(Merrill Lynch)



    在美银美林团队的指导下Sheng-Jung (Robert)程从亚军一跃成为该公司第一个在名册上名列前茅的人。一位支持者表示:“整个团队都非常了解台湾科技供应链。”Cheng的10人集团总部位于香港、首尔和台北,对亚洲硬件类股整体持中性看法。截至4月底,亚洲硬件类股在过去12个月里上涨8.1%,而亚洲市场整体上涨3.8%。研究人员称,微软对个人电脑市场持保守看法,今年可能会出现另一次下滑,尽管幅度较小。与此同时,他们乐观地认为,美国消费电子巨头苹果(Apple)不断扩大的产品线将提高平均售价和供应链的零部件价值。48岁的Cheng说,台湾鸿海精密工业股份有限公司(Hon Hai Precision Industry Co.,简称:鸿海精密)尤其能从苹果的增长中获益。此外,电子制造服务提供商享有不断提高的利润率和规模和组件能力的主导地位。他的集团将该股的目标价格定为新台币107元;4月底时的股价为新台币87元。分析师们还认为,硬件供应链中的企业正将云计算视为下一个催化剂。 This development will favor Delta Electronics as it transforms from a manufacturer of video display products and power supplies into a total solution provider for data centers. At NT$202, their price objective represents a 10.4 percent premium to the stock’s late April value. Cheng also co-leads, with Chuan-Hsiang (Katherine) Hu, the team that places third for coverage of Taiwan. After tracking this sector for Credit Suisse then CLSA, he joined BofA Merrill in 2011. He holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and an MBA from the Fisher College of Business at Ohio State University.