Impact investing would seem to be a hot topic these days. For example, this very magazine has run at least four different articles on the subject in the past few months (see这里,这里,这里和这里)。另外,我自己研究中心最近获得了多年的研究补助金,以试图了解影响行业。总之,有很多正在进行的,但也有很多缺失,例如围绕影响投资的定义达成共识,甚至是对影响投资生态系统的理解。所以,拿一杯咖啡和饼干让我告诉你我对影响投资的想法,以及为什么我认为这可能是世界积极变化的强大力量。
The broad idea of impact investing — at least the version of impact investing that I can get behind — seeks to leverage capitalist means to achieve social and environmental ends. Put simply, it uses financial investments to drive extra-financial outcomes. In my mind, impact investing in its most elegant form resembles artfully executed judo; it works within capitalism’s institutions and organizations and leverages its own power to undo the problems that capitalism itself helped to create. After all, if you’ve got a global problem to solve, why not tap the same force that gave us globalization?
承认这一点,这至少有点引人注目,而且它也不会难以置信。我们知道右手的资本主义可以推动深刻的影响。毕竟,每次投资 - 每一个人 - 在某人或某事上对某种形式或另一个形式产生影响。这只是其中一些投资也将结束积极的社会或环境影响(外部性)。我居住的硅谷已经推出了帮助降低独裁者(Facebook,Twitter)的公司;这改变了我们消耗能量的方式(Tesla,巢,驱动器);这通过独特的见解(气候公司,Opengov,Palantir)帮助管理稀缺资源;这创造了更加可持续的环境(太阳能城,清洁电力融资,项目青蛙);或提供对最终前沿(SPACKX)的访问。它在这个领域,我认为影响投资可能是最强大的。
现在,有些人认为影响投资作为慈善/慈善和慈善/慈善和冰冷的囚犯的中间地面,沃尔街的冰冷囚犯。然而,在这种光明中观看,影响投资成为“”围栏“ - 一种回收资本而不让它全部或放弃道德目标的方式。但而不是将此视为影响投资,而且我认为这真的会影响犹豫不决。还有希望认为,基础设施的制度投资计入影响投资,一般来说,我很好;基础设施在对社区的影响方面非常强大。但是,当我们说冲击投资时,这真的是什么意思?基础设施?
*促进:Impact investors should look for opportunities to create new companies, markets or industries. This can be done in simple ways, such as bridging a company across a funding gap or signaling to the world that an opportunity is investable (simply by investing in it as a credible party). The best impact investments are those that identify "titration" opportunities; this refers to a chemical reaction where a solution suddenly switches from being acidic to basic after a reagent is added. There exists in the world opportunities where a few impact dollars (the reagent) can change an entire environment (solution) from un-investable to investible (acidic to basic). And once it’s investable, the power of capitalism can take it forward to the marketplace.
*重量级损失:Impact investors should avoid doing things that either the government or the free market would do on their own. If impact dollars are there to be catalysts, there’s really no social or environmental value in catalyzing something that would have happened anyway.
*利润:Different pools of capital will have different return objectives. And I definitely see the value of philanthropic capital that has relatively low or even no return objectives. (In fact, some would say this capital is the most valuable to society.) But my personal opinion is that impact investors should not, a priori, take a hit to their financial returns or underwriting. Why? Because if they are trying to use capitalism to maximize impacts beyond the capitalist system, then high financial returns for impact investments are crucial. To me, that implies rapid growth of a socially or environmentally positive company, therefore, returns.
So how can you do all of this? As I see it, the best way to combine all of the above themes is to get involved with small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and then work hard to have a real influence on their future trajectory. You help the good ones succeed commercially. You push the ones that are ambivalent about impact to integrate impact thinking into their day-to-day operations. And as for the ones that are potentially going to play a negative role in society, you roll up your sleeves and push them (hard) to pivot — and in return for pivoting, you help them succeed.
而且您只在您是高度可信和携带影响的地方进行这些事情。会影响投资者对大型公司有影响吗?当然。例如,私募股权商店对中型公司产生了很大影响 - 可能不是您希望看到的那种影响,但它们的影响是不可否认的。在我们其他人,专注于小型和中等尺寸的机会可能是最好的道路。这样做需要一套新的投资逻辑和工具。例如,您需要对您觉得您可以添加价值和确实影响中小企业的区域。然后,您需要识别您可以亲自(或组织)影响结果的公司或机会。然后你需要上班。
正如我所看到的那样,大多数影响投资者真的不明白他们想要完成的事情。他们不了解金融和投资的业务。事实上,他们往往受到金融业的沮丧和它在创造短期终止和消极外部性的角色。然而,然而,他们仍然经常恢复到传统的金融业中寻求帮助。看看这个实际blurbfrom a recent article describing the amazing opportunity that impact investing represents:“现场有许多大玩家可以帮助了解你的影响投资可以最成功的地方。其中的是摩根大通,高盛和摩根士丹利等投资公司,这些公司将致力于致力于对影响投资建议的员工。“啊。真?哦,我打赌他们有专门的员工。和充足的费用。
我在今天的影响投资生态系统中看到的大多数金融中介都没有真在驾驶影响的业务中;他们在销售产品的业务中。它恰好发生在其产品上拍打影响标签似乎创造了更高的需求,从而允许更高的边缘。(参见食品业务中的“有机”作为类似的案例。)但不要让自己孩子;大华尔街银行的权力 - 通过推动更多的社会和环境升值,不能成为他们所在的地方。这些银行正在进入冲击投资,因为它们对他们来说是非常有利可图的。对我来说,这是什么让我挫败于这些银行的影响美元从真正的影响机会转移,正如我上面所述的那样。
*每一个投资 - 每一个人 - 在某人或某物上对某种形式或另一个形式产生影响。All investing是影响投资;这只是一个理解这一影响的问题,归属于此谎言以及某些类型的影响可以优先考虑其他影响。(你是反叛联盟的一部分吗?或者你在帝国工作吗?)
*Impact investing isn’t hard. But it is time consuming. There’s no such thing as a passive impact investor — don’t let the banks fool you. Sending your money to Wall Street in the hopes of creating enduring social and environmental change in the world is... foolhardy.
*Add value to companies that are good (helping them reach commercial scale) and help companies that are bad pivot before it’s too late. Don’t let those companies that are ambivalent stay that way.