

    <2014年全美研究团队 Jeffrey Degraafranaissance宏观研究展开展示:10



    今年唯一一个赚取机构投资者全美研究团队名人堂的唯一分析师是亚博赞助欧冠Jeffrey Degraaf.文艺复兴宏观研究。自2005年以来,通过捕获在这个名单上的第一个名单,46岁的战略家加入了11个目前目前排名第一的研究人员,他们在第1次出现在第1次职位。退化指出,该技术部门现在是股市的“无可争议的领导者”,他希望它留下来。他说:“这扮演进入中间人呼吁我们的经济学家已经提出了资本支出,因为经济周期占据了经济周期,”他说。“工业中的弱点和十年产量的收缩似乎是一个全球增长故事,而不是国内增长较弱的预兆。从技术上讲,“研究人员补充说:”我们发现能源有趣,因为趋势仍然是积极的。炼油厂看起来最有趣。“他警告说,美国第四季度的“野卡”为美国股权绩效将是美联储的第三轮定量宽松的缩放。从历史上看,Degraaf说,QE的尽头意味着“股权波动性大幅增加,股权回报的下降。我们正在观看信用条件,以提示我们对经济和股票流动性充满活力的变化。“ Liquidity has already tightened since early summer, and he is concerned that it could decline further following QE’s termination. Moreover, in this uncertain environment, “yields, inflation and growth are likely to remain substantially lower than the levels we’ve experienced in the previous quarter century,” deGraaf concludes. The strategist is “very good on his sector calls and pattern recognition,” asserts one loyalist. “He’s very good at identifying developing trends. A few months ago he said that [real estate investment trusts] would be attractive, and they had a nice run. That’s fairly typical. He’s got a model portfolio of stock ideas that has outperformed the market pretty consistently.”