


这几天似乎几乎是一个上面的结论,即过去一代的科学虚构应该成真。作者雷布拉德伯里谋生和他的名望教美国读者梦想火星。他为我们的梦想中的红色星球是一个目的地,因为幻想超越了我们自己的星球的视野 - 通过将这些幻想扭转到可怕的幻想来挑战读者。在短篇小说中“火星是天堂!”宇航员发送到火星的部队遇到了曾经在地球上闻名的朋友和家庭成员的遗失似乎是什么 - 这遭遇的结果是外国人的整个船员的大规模屠宰。


实际上,毫无疑问,太空速可以在火星殖民地上交付 - 美国宇航局似乎认为公司的技术值得银行有很多钱。9月,美国宇航局获得Spacex和Boeing68亿美元的合同开始将第一张私人航天班车推向国际空间站(ISS)轨道地球。

SpaceX是由特斯拉汽车公司首席执行官艾伦•马斯克,whose mark on our world is already indelible. Alongside Tesla’s high-profile pushes for electric cars to replace the standard automobile, SpaceX’s successful missions include resupply flights to the ISS and satellite launches for private clients. There are two SpaceX shuttles, the Falcon and the Dragon; the latter was designed by Musk and is NASA’s bet for what are being called taxi runs to the ISS. These are regular, manned flights to space, the first step toward extending human civilization past Earth.

Investors hoping to profit from space colonization need to look beyond SpaceX, which is privately owned, and are already asking what effect its recent success and future plans will have on other, public companies. (Musk在2013年推断Spacex可能会考虑在火星殖民运动员定期使用之后考虑IPO - 即在建立火星殖民地之后,班车正在运行。)

Who will stand to benefit from Mars taxis and Mars colonies? The obvious answer is those companies that build space shuttles, landing capsules and habitats, as well as the communications systems that will link them, and parts manufacturers, including Boeing, aerospace and satellite builder Lockheed Martin and defense and aerospace company Northrop Grumman.

There are less obvious manufacturers to benefit from the privatization of space flight. These are companies like Tempe, Arizona–basedFirst Solar,它建造了可以运输到太空并用于在火星上产生电力的半导体和薄膜太阳能电池板。拉斯维加斯为基础Bigelow航空航天已经构建了测试空间栖息地,可以作为地球轨道空间酒店的原型;该公司与波音和Spacex的合同。莫里斯敦,新泽西州为基础霍尼韦尔- 最适合其恒温器的消费者 - 与所有主要航空公司和美国政府一起工作,为军事和航空航天目的生产,安装和维护传感器和控制器。部分乐趣 - 以及太空飞行的利润将看到一个行业重新排列自己,因为新老球员前进。

But just how soon could Mars colonies and Mars taxis arrive? The U.S. decommissioned its manned low-orbit space shuttle in 2011 and has had to rely on a Russian shuttle for missions. Working with SpaceX to put people into space will likely be much easier and quicker, leading NASA officials to state that operations flights by both Boeing and SpaceX will begin in 2017. (It’s worth keeping in mind that NASA may shift its contracts to only one player down the line, either Boeing or SpaceX, depending on the success rates of their missions in the next few years.)

布拉德伯里没有活着去看龙胶囊携带宇航员到国际空间站,也没有见证在火星上建立的殖民地。然而,我们的梦想生活中的梦想比我们预期的更快就会变得如此。明智的投资者将关注Spacex的Martian Chronics的下一章,因为它们展开。