
2014年全印度研究团队:电信,1号:Rohit Chordia

    <2014年全印度研究团队 Rohit Chordiakotak证券展开展览:2



    在此阵容上重复第1号Rohit Chordia.,谁也赢得了他的第一个出现在消费者/订书钉列表中,作为亚军。Kotak Securities分析师们向投资者提供了购买新德里和孟买思想蜂师的Bharti Airtel,分别由收入和订阅者分别购买了印度的第1和第3号移动运营商。He expects the market shares of these industry incumbents to benefit from improving competitive intensity in the country’s wireless market, explaining that smaller operators “face stretched balance sheets and do not have the capability to continue with disruptive pricing tactics and invest in expanding and improving their networks.” Bharti and Idea are also well-positioned for the surge in wireless Internet adoption, which is happening on the back of the wireless industry’s investing in data networks and creating supply. “India lags behind most markets on data adoption, and the growth runway on this aspect is long, in my view,” says Chordia, 34. Another positive for these companies is the prospect of further consolidation in the market, given that “the challengers have no long-term business case” in an industry where economies of scale are crucial, he adds.