
行业:石油服务 - 首先

    Michael Pickup&Team,巴克莱资本


    Barclays Capital rises one rung to claim its first appearance in the winner’s circle, but its team leader has been here before: Michael Pickup co-led the Lehman Brothers crew that captured the crown in predecessor sector Oil & Gas in 2008. The London-based duo is hailed for what one money manager calls “top-notch client service”; Pickup, 40, estimates that he clocked more than 300 meetings with investors last year. Supporters single out a long-standing overweight on John Wood Group, upgraded from equal weight back in December 2009 and reiterated throughout last year as management disposed of its underperforming Well Support division and then increased dividends. Shares of the U.K.-based maker of submersible oil pumps rose 14.4 percent in 2011 and outpaced the sector by 33.5 percentage points. In July the analysts lowered CGG Veritas, a Paris-based seismic-imaging supplier, from overweight to equal weight, at €24.36, on valuation. The stock tumbled 25.6 percent, to €18.13, through December, and trailed the sector by 12.4 points. “Mick’s recommendations are right far more often than wrong — but even when he’s wrong, he always delivers with aplomb and great humor,” says one admirer.