安德鲁伍德指导他的桑福德C.伯恩斯坦三重奏到名单上的第三张直观;47岁的分析师还领导了食品生产商的1号球队。在伦敦和纽约的同事新加坡工作,“我们覆盖全球 - 差不多!”戒掉木头。Among the four companies the analysts track, investors draw particular attention to the team’s coverage of Henkel, the German beauty and oral-care products company first recommended in 2006 and reiterated most recently in January 2011, on the belief that strong sales growth seen in 2010 would continue even as other companies in the sector performed roughly in line with the broad market. Henkel’s shares slipped 2.6 percent last year, compared with the sector’s loss of 5.4 percent. Wood’s “passion for his work is infectious!” cheers one buy-side supporter.
安德鲁伍德指导他的桑福德C.伯恩斯坦三重奏到名单上的第三张直观;47岁的分析师还领导了食品生产商的1号球队。在伦敦和纽约的同事新加坡工作,“我们覆盖全球 - 差不多!”戒掉木头。Among the four companies the analysts track, investors draw particular attention to the team’s coverage of Henkel, the German beauty and oral-care products company first recommended in 2006 and reiterated most recently in January 2011, on the belief that strong sales growth seen in 2010 would continue even as other companies in the sector performed roughly in line with the broad market. Henkel’s shares slipped 2.6 percent last year, compared with the sector’s loss of 5.4 percent. Wood’s “passion for his work is infectious!” cheers one buy-side supporter.