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职位描述听起来令人羡慕:300亿美元的资产贷款人总统,没有讨厌的道德 - 坦率的限制,广泛的旅行,与全球领导者经常会议,与波诺的照片ops和免税薪水超过40万美元。


After Robert Zoellick announced last month that he would stand down when his term expires at the end of June, there was some immediate speculation that the Obama administration would nominate former Treasury secretary Lawrence Summers or perhaps secretary of state Hillary Clinton for the post. Then, nothing. Radio silence. No hints from the White House. Even more surprising, no parade of contenders from emerging-markets countries asserting that it’s their time for the top job, as happened last year when Dominique Strauss-Kahn suddenly resigned from the International Monetary Fund. Officials say barely a peep was heard about the post at the G-20 meeting, normally a hotbed of speculation, in Mexico City late last month. Only one person — Jeffrey Sachs, the development economist who heads the Earth Institute at Columbia University — has formally declared his candidacy.

好奇的对峙中,如果就是这样,说lot about the Bank and the current state of geopolitics, according to longtime observers of the international financial institutions (IFIs). First, the Bank has lost some of its luster. The institution is arguably as important as ever: It made a record $70.9 billion in lending commitments in the past two years as part of global efforts to combat the effects of the financial crisis. And in December 2010, Zoellick won agreement from member governments for a record $49.3 billion increase in funding for the Bank’s main lending vehicle, the International Development Association. Yet the Bank is still regarded as the junior partner to its neighbor across Washington’s 19th Street. The IMF, after all, has the power to decide whether Greece lives or dies, financially speaking; that explains why the Europeans were so determined to have Christine Lagarde succeed Strauss-Kahn last year.

第二,更重要,没有国家似乎准备挑战华盛顿的锁定工作。乍一看,这似乎是违反直觉的。Emerging-markets nations have grown increasingly critical of the long-standing arrangement whereby the U.S. has controlled the World Bank presidency and the Europeans have led the IMF, and Mexico’s central bank governor, Agustín Carstens, campaigned actively for the IMF post last year against Lagarde. Yet Americans are not Europeans. The U.S. is not overrepresented at the Bank and the Fund the way that European countries are. The U.S., in spite of its troubles, remains the only superpower capable of exerting economic, political and military influence around the globe. And in a U.S. election year, outsiders interested in the smooth functioning and financing of the Bank may think twice about a move that would almost certainly draw fire from the U.S. Congress. “No one will dare challenge the U.S.,” says Domenico Lombardi, president of the Oxford Institute for Economic Policy and a former executive director of the Bank. The absence of campaigning and complaining “signals that members will go ahead and support the U.S. candidate,” he adds.


这是一个耻辱,因为华盛顿全球发展中心负责人南希·布莱德说,来自发展中国家的发展中国家有许多合格的人民,是华盛顿的全球发展中心和前银行工作人员。她引用Ngozi Okonjo-iweala,据尊敬的尼日利亚财政部长,他们在2007年至2011年Zoellick下的世界银行董事总经理曾担任过世界银行董事总经理,而Nandan Nilekani,IT巨人Infosys联合创始人,现在是印度政府的努力为其公民开发生物识别数据库。银行现任董事总经理,前印度尼西亚金融部长斯里·米育尼·瑙拉瓦特迪贾斯汀林的首席经济学家,也吹嘘了强有力的全权证书。


Treasury secretary Timothy Geithner has said the U.S. will put forward an experienced candidate for the post by the March 23 deadline for nominations and insists the U.S. favors an open selection process. Birdsall says it’s vital that other countries take him at his word. “The key is that there is a competitive process that ensures that whoever wins has legitimacy,” she says.

Just don’t expect anyone outside the U.S. to make the first move.