
摩根大通与雷曼兄弟的争斗,MF Global变得肮脏

摩根大通发现自己正处于MF Global和雷曼兄弟破产的中心。但是钱都到哪里去了呢?

你会认为12亿美元是一笔足够大的数目,不会消失太久。但有一件事正变得越来越清楚:追查明富环球金融集团客户流失的资金并非易事。这家总部位于纽约的经纪自营商倒闭的原因是时任首席执行官乔恩•科赞(Jon Corzine)对欧洲主权债务的押注,他于10月31日申请破产。在公司的最后的日子里疯狂,它看起来就像一些丢失的钱可能在摩根大通(jpm . n:行情)找到。就其本身而言,该银行曾表示,这只是一个渠道的资金,尽一切努力帮助监管机构寻找丢失的钱。此外,MF Global高管还将导致公司倒闭的部分问题归咎于摩根大通(JPMorgan)资金交付缓慢。该银行曾表示,由于MF Global的亏损。作为主要的清算经纪公司和主要贷款人,摩根大通发现,当一家金融服务公司倒闭时,自己往往扮演着核心角色。摩根大通所扮演角色的确切性质可能成为诉讼的对象,就像雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)破产时那样。这些诉讼让我们得以深入了解全球银行业的实际运作方式。MF Global和雷曼兄弟的情况远非相同。 Outside of class-action suits, JPMorgan is not involved in any litigation with regard to MF Global. As to the issue of the $1.2 billion in missing funds, JPMorgan was acting as a conduit in the so-called third-party repurchase agreement business. In Lehman’s case, there is litigation stemming from JPMorgan’s actions both as a third-party repo provider and as a lender. Still, MF Global clients should take note: These situations get complex. Lehman Brothers filed for Chapter 11 on September 15, 2008 — an act that threw the financial markets into free fall. In September 2010, Lehman and the official committee of its unsecured creditors filed suit against JPMorgan, alleging that in the crucial days before Lehman’s Chapter 11 filing JPMorgan “leveraged its life-and-death power as the brokerage firm’s primary clearing bank to force LBHI [Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.] into a series of one-sided agreements and to siphon billions of dollars in critically needed assets.” Lehman and its creditors are seeking $6.8 billion from the bank. JPMorgan denies the allegations, saying the agreements it extracted from Lehman were designed to protect itself. JPMorgan has countersued Lehman, presenting itself as a Good Samaritan that lent $70 billion to a bankrupt firm at a time when nobody else would do so. Instead, JPMorgan alleges that with the help of Lehman, Barclays — which bought some of the bankrupt Lehman’s assets out of Chapter 11 — “cherrypicked the securities it wanted, took JPMorgan’s $5 billion in margin, and left behind securities that Lehman claimed were worth billions of dollars — but that Barclays described as ‘toxic waste’ and LBHI described as ‘toxic crap’ as well as ‘goat poo’ to be scattered in ‘other people’s backyards.’ As a result, JPMorgan was stuck with loans to LBI of more than $25 billion secured by many of LBI’s worst securities.” In September 2011, JPMorgan filed court papers requesting that the case be moved to U.S. federal court — citing a recent controversial Supreme Court ruling concerning the inheritance battle over the estate of deceased Playboy playmate and bodacious bombshell Anna Nicole Smith. The ruling is pending. Judge James Peck granted Lehman’s request to ask South Korea’s court system for assistance in obtaining testimony from Min Euoo Sung, former chairman and CEO of the Korea Development Bank. The prominent banker, Lehman alleges, can provide valuable information about 2008 investment negotiations between the KDB and Lehman, as well as what information about Lehman’s condition the bank shared with JPMorgan.

约瑟夫•Pizzurro柯蒂斯的管理合伙人Mallet-Prevost,柯尔特& Mosle在纽约和律师代表雷曼说,情况仍然非常活跃,与两党运动将仍然悬而未决,关键证人仍然被废黜,事实发现持续直到3月和专家的发现程序,直到夏天。摩根大通的发言人拒绝置评。
