



“有一个明显的经济和道德理由,利用大量比例从公共自然资本的消耗耗尽来积累其他形式的公共资本......令人疑声,迄今为止,这一直不是全球模式,因为资源租金have been associated with political dysfunction...The type of politics which produces pressures to over-spend resource rents on consumption is well-understood, notably the ‘voracity effect’...To avoid this syndrome of political pressures governments again need commitment technologies. Currently, the governments of several resource-rich countries are establishing such commitment technologies through variants on Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF), examples being Nigeria and Ghana. These are constitutional devices which earmark a certain proportion of resource revenues for the Fund. In turn, money in the Fund can only be used for the accumulation of assets, whether foreign financial assets or domestic public investment.”


所以,当你想到它时,决定建立一个新的SWF的政府正在有意识地努力考虑明天的 - 除了今天的需求。给予过去几年这些资金的令人难以置信的人气,我认为这很令人鼓舞......