
国家和地区 - 中国 - 第二


    德意志银行将一个陷退陷入第二个地方,但50人的部队继续提供“中国经济最好的鸟瞰图”,根据一个买方的倡导者。新人君马和江桥(Michael)塘的共同占领,他还共同指导了香港覆盖范围的船员(和童领导3号电力),集团追踪240家公司 - 和计划扩大覆盖范围。The Hong Kong–based researchers in August downgraded their near-term outlook to cautious and predicted a 15 percent broad-market decline, on the likelihood of negative surprises from Europe and the U.S. They further forecast that the downturn would be followed by a rally that would produce a 23 percent rise by August 2012. Sure enough, six weeks later China’s broad market had dropped exactly 14.9 percent — and by the end of March, it had rebounded by 15.5 percent.
