
行业 - 工业 - 第一

    Xiang(edmond)黄,Euisup(安迪)李和团队美国银行Merrill Lynch


    1梯级为1号是美国银行美林·林克的香港队伍·湘(埃德蒙)黄,新人Euisup(Andy)Lee,Autos&Auto零件的3号球队联合领导者。“他们在中国建筑机械完成了最好的工作,”Avers One Backer。Top pick: China Communications Construction Co., recommended for its improving margins and attractive valuation, says Huang, 41. He earned a bachelor’s degree at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and joined the firm from UBS in 2010, the same year that Lee, 38, arrived from Goldman Sachs Investment Partners. Lee has a bachelor’s in business management from Seoul National University. —保罗·斯明
