



首先,Pav Jordan,Andrea Hopkins和Soyoung Kim有一篇漂亮的文章突出了加拿大养老基金的特殊性质。值得一读。However, while these funds no doubt represent the ‘Mount Everest’ of pension management – with deep expertise in direct investing in illiquid and alternative assets that can, at times, surpass the expertise even in the private sector -- not all pension funds should attempt to scale Everest. Put simply, the ‘Canadian Model’ is not replicable the world over; funds need remarkably strong governance and buy-in from the powers that be to resource the kinds of operations taking place within the Canadian plans. Nonetheless, it's remarkable to see what these Canadian funds are capable of.

其次,您可能有兴趣阅读加里·戈登和安德鲁·梅里克的新文件,题为“赶上金融危机的速度:一个周末读者的指南。“Think of this as a sort of “cliffsnotes” (or if you’re not as old as I am, “sparknotes”) for all the required reading that we in the financial and economic community really should be doing to keep up to speed on the financial crisis and its origins. Here’s the abstract:


