
行业 - 建设 - 第一队

    Toshiya Mizutani.三菱UFJ摩根士丹利证券有限公司


    三菱UFJ摩根士丹利证券公司的Toshiya Mizutani举行了第六次直播年度的最高荣誉。“非常不仅受到投资者而且由许多建筑公司的重视,”仍然是盟友。Mizutani, 53, published a report in April 2011, the month after the country’s northeast region was devastated by a massive earthquake and tsunami, laying out the short- and long-term impact on the sector: At first, materials and building projects would be scarce, but then the need for reconstruction would drive growth. He reiterated an outperform on NEC Networks & System Integration Corp., at ¥999, making the case that the Tokyo-based builder of telecommunications infrastructure facilities would benefit from strong capital expenditures. The stock surged 14.8 percent, to ¥1,147, and led the sector by 3.4 percentage points, through February. In anticipation of greater postquake demand for general contractors, Mizutani upgraded Kajima Corp. from neutral to outperform in November, dubbing the Tokyo-based demolition-services provider his top pick for 2012. —本马特林
