
“为最糟糕的准备”是ex-ustury sec robert rubin说


Robert Rubin曾遭受过更多的熊市和经济危机,而不是他关心在他的财政期间记住,作为高盛和花旗集团董事长兼主席兼董事长的伙伴。所以即使是最多看涨的投资者可能想要暂停,当鲁宾警告他更担心今天的财政环境而不是其他人的一生。真实的,投资者应该总是希望最好的,在纽约上个月的TradeTech论坛上,一位严峻的鲁宾对观众说。“但这绝对是谨慎的,以至于我们为最糟糕的准备。”鲁宾是一个钉住的艰难人。为了保守派,他将永远是克林顿管理局的经济政策的先锋。但对自由主义者来说,他代表了华尔街的建立,即所谓的1%的成员,即甚至作为银行正在接受次杀渣的次级杀戮机构的次级次级公布,这是一个占团簇的巨大发薪日。在Tradetech,鲁宾,忠诚的民主党人告诉了观众,随着灌木丛削减和工资税假期到期,并计划“封存”削减了联邦政府的酌情支出,GDP可以减少5百分。“美国在经济的未来是一个鲜明的十字路口,”他说。 The solution, he said, will come more from Washington than from Wall Street: A potent combination of political will and the legislative agenda must come into alignment and rejuvenate Washington in order to achieve any goals. According to Rubin, partisanship in Congress has deflated the willingness to compromise, and a lack of preventative action means future strategy will be responding to fiscal crises rather than planning to avoid them. Most important, he said, is a move from the U.S.’s current “dangerous” fiscal trajectory to a more sound condition. Maintaining public investment in areas critical for competitiveness such as education, scientific research and infrastructure is integral for success, as is reforming key sectors of the economy like energy and health care. “The U.S. has the pieces to succeed,” Rubin said. “The dynamism of our culture, the willingness to take entrepreneurial risks, the flexibility of our labor and capital markets, and our natural resources and demographics best Europe, China and Japan.”

