

电子艺界(Electronic Arts)最近被评为美国最受鄙视的公司,但这家总部位于硅谷的游戏开发商正处于有利地位,有望从智能手机和Facebook开创的新市场中获利。

价值投资者通常倾向于讨厌的公司。公司被讨厌,股票更便宜,潜在机会越好。电子艺术讨论了复仇。基于Redwood City,基于California的游戏制造商的股票是13年的低调,因为投资者在ea的销售持续多年来持续停滞不前,虽然上升,但仍然低于2003年。在整个销售包装的电子游戏的销售中,连续四个月的堕落,包括三月的世界末日25% - 已添加亚慱体育app到奶油中。要首先,EA最近被消费者评为2012年美国最差的公司,由同一公司发出消费者报告的同一公司运营的博客。虽然这些似乎是非常合理的担忧,但它们真的不是。停滞不前。在表面上,看起来ea的销售已经在多年来升级了,但他们没有。该公司一直在蜿蜒下其他出版商制造的比赛的分销;几年前,这种低利率收入从每年超过6亿美元下降到今天约2亿美元,掩盖了EA的核心游戏业务的健康增长。游戏产业正在走向破产。4个月来,打包游戏销量的下降让投资者们不寒而栗,但事实并非如此。销量下滑的主要原因是手持设备,它们的市场份额被智能手机抢走了(任天堂公司的DS软件3月份销量下降了78%)。任天堂Wii的销量下降了47%;它的游戏机市场份额正迅速被微软(Microsoft Corp.)的Xbox抢走。Xbox拥有更强大的处理器、更先进的图像处理功能,还有一个能读取手势的摄像头,因此用户无需挥舞笨重的Wii遥控器。当然,这些数据只涵盖了打包游戏,并不包括那些快速发展的数字游戏。美国最差的公司。在超过25万名消费者的调查中,艺电是如何被评为美国最差的公司的?它创造了《质量效应3》,这是一款角色扮演游戏,玩家在与死神的战争中保卫世界。《质量效应3》在商业上取得了巨大的成功,但游戏的结局却让玩家感到愤怒:游戏世界被摧毁了,完全独立于玩家的决定。EA承诺将发布《质量效应3》的另一种结局;无论如何,这家游戏制造商很难与过去三年位居消费者至上榜单榜首的真正邪恶的公司相比:美国国际集团(American International Group)、美国银行(Bank of America Corp.)和英国石油(BP)。投资者还担心,随着人们抛弃Game Boys和其他手持设备,转而使用iphone,智能手机将把匕首插进艺电核心业务的心脏。错了!iPhone和其他智能手机消除了成人在公共场合玩游戏的社会耻辱,这为艺电创造了一个全新的市场。游戏不再是堕落的孩子们的专利了。此外,当你使用智能手机时,没人知道你是在玩游戏、发短信还是发邮件。成年人是游戏的完美目标群体:我们经常等待,因为智能手机总是伴随着我们,所以我们总是在玩游戏中消磨时间。 The smartphone gaming industry is still in its infancy; it has captured only a third of the total market. And then there is Facebook, which is arguably the best time-wasting website known to man (and woman). It presents another opportunity for game makers, opening up a time slot that was previously unavailable to most adults: office hours (when they are supposed to be working). This market was virtually nonexistent before. EA will capitalize on both smartphones and Facebook. The company is no Zynga when it comes to social network games (nor does it have Zynga’s sky-high valuation), but it has an impressive slate of brands. It bought game makers Playfish and PopCap, which have expertise in social and casual games and plenty of hits of their own. In addition to its exciting new revenue opportunities, EA can significantly improve its profit margins as consumers increasingly download games in digital format rather than purchase packaged software. The company’s full-game downloads doubled over the past year. Digital games come with profit margins 10 to 25 percentage points higher than those of packaged games, and their sales are growing at a much faster rate. Today they represent about 25 percent of EA’s sales. In a few years they should approach 50 percent. The margin-expansion opportunity is significant for EA, which recently traded at $15 a share and could earn north of $2.00 a share within the next few years.


维塔利Katsenelson (vk@imausa.com.)是丹佛投资管理协会(Investment Management Associates)的首席信息官,著有《横向市场小书》(The Little Book of Sideways Markets)一书。
