

Low U.K. interest rates are hardly the surprise one might think they are, given the state of the economy and the Bank of England’s continuing efforts to revive it.

Britain is mired in a double-dip recession-在在下坍落度下降之前,输出在损失之前再次下降。更重要的是,着名的国际货币基金组织已降级其对U.K.增长的预测,而不是对任何其他先进经济的增长 - 一个明显的不动作的区别。然而,U.K.政府债券或吉尔茨屈服于纪录低点。投资者是否合理行事?

U.K.在今年第一季度返回经济衰退,国内生产总值下跌0.3%。这些数字受到国内外贫瘠的基础知识。对欧元区危机的担忧继续牺牲世界各地的商业和消费者情绪-causing a sharp drop in service sector exports, historically Britain’s strongest suit internationally. Consumer spending was weak, depressed by a fall in household income as wages continued to decline in real terms.

周一,国际货币基金组织将其投影降级为U.K.今年的增长率为0.2% - 比其每年预测为0.8%的0.8%,而且与每年的投影相比为2.3%。对于明年,它预测只有1.4% - 远低于历史平均水平。

尽管如此,10年吉尔的产量周四在本月的每月下跌1.52% - 下降20个基点,允许通货膨胀后实际舒适地舒适地处于负面领域。10年的实际收益率目前为0.9%。


The U.K.’s economic paralysis has prompted countervailing hyperactivity by the Bank of England, which this month announced an extra £50 billion ($78.2 billion) in quantitative easing (QE) — bringing the total so far to £375 billion. Most of this is being used to buy gilts — representing a large chunk of the £1,210 billion in outstanding gilt issuance.


The QE is officially designed to support economic growth by injecting more money into the economy. However, it also sends a signal to markets that the bank is ready and able to act as a buyer of last resort for the U.K. government’s debt should investors be tempted to clear out their gilt portfolios — just as many have for peripheral euro zone bonds. Outright speculators against gilts defy the Bank of England at their peril.

The £1,210 billion-pound question for bond investors is how long QE will be there to boost U.K. gilt prices.

答案,通过银行州长Mervyn King的评论来评估:可能很长一段时间。“当这场危机始于2007 - 2008年时,大多数包括自我在内的人不相信我们仍然会在这里,”国王在6月份说。他补充说:“我不认为我们在这中途中途。我一直在说,我还在说它。“这表明,在银行的观点中,信贷紧缩的余震可能持续五年或更长的时间 - 涉及银行的更多年度非传统措施来支持U.K.经济,最有可能由QE领导。当然,四到五年,涵盖短期债券的整个生命以及10年的大部分时间。达到0.53%,5年吉尔的产量比意大利人同行的产量超过10倍,约为5.4%。

如果国王的“尚未通过”分析是正确的,“这些非常低的短期和长期镀金产量的廉价效率就会对镀金投资者进行更加逻辑,”伦敦M&G的固定收益基金经理Richard Woolnough说。

银行的自由回应雄辩的U.K.经济通过QE受到最近的通货膨胀下降的大大放大。2011年9月,消费者价格通胀达到5.2%,因为燃料和食品价格上涨。但在过去的几个月里,利率比任何人预期的速度急剧下降 - 通过宽松商品价格压力和不加强消费者需求来推动降低。在六月通胀随着英国的大雨而下来。周二的官方数据显示,速度下降0.4个百分点至2.4% - 目标之上只有0.4个百分点 - 由于服装零售商在纪录最潮湿的6月份削减了夏季服装的价格。



Because the Bank of England has buttressed faith in gilts, they have become all the more attractive vis-à-vis the debt of countries whose central banks are unable to provide such support: the 17 member states of the euro zone. This has drawn investor money from overseas into the U.K. bond market. The potential for further sharp appreciation of the pound against the euro — a phenomenon generated partly by bond buying — provides an added fillip to gilts for investors from within the currency union: The pound has risen by 12 percent over the past year to €1.28 ($1.62) at the close of European trading on Thursday, with the increase accelerating since April.


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