
Big Asset Managers在止赎中的眼睛机会

Carrington,Oaktree和TCW已经开始获得和租用止赎房屋的资金。Berkshire Hathaway,Och-Ziff,Starwood和TPG可能不会落后。

所有止赎楼盘交易的地方都在哪里?不要对冲基金。“我们发现更容易购买不完整的抵押贷款游泳池,”Carrington Capital Management执行副总裁Rick Sharga表示,Carrington Capital Management,替代资产经理。1月份,Carrington推出了4.5亿美元的基金,以获得止赎房屋,在合资企业中,霍华德标志的苦恼 - 债务公司Oaktree Capital Management。5月,据报道,洛杉矶的资产管理公司TCW集团据报道,为类似目的推出2.5亿美元的基金。伯克希尔·海瑟韦,奥克尔伍德资本管理,近几个月也考虑了止赎市场。大资产管理公司的景点之一是联邦住房融资机构启动的飞行员计划,拍卖全国各地的约2,500名止赎住宅。但该计划越来越缓慢地走下去,FHFA更喜欢打算占据房屋的买家。Carrington的Sharga是一个八岁的Realtytrac资深,拥有该国最大的抵押品赎回权和银行拥有物业数据库。他估计,美国的750,000家止赎住宅物业中有10%至20%的积极销售。 That’s a good reason for investors to seek alternatives such as nonperforming mortgages or raw land, he says.

Billy Spotpson是Bienville Capital Management的首席执行官,正在采取陆路,瞄准海湾海岸,阿拉巴马州和佛罗里达州的湾海岸之间的狭窄的海湾海岸地带。The area never saw property fever on the scale that Miami did, and the double whammy of recession and pollution from BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill has reduced land prices by as much as 90 percent since 2008. Bienville, a fund of funds with $300 million in assets, has often put its money with hedge funds that take a doomsday approach — Corriente Advisors’ short plays in China, for example. But the firm’s Gulf Coast Opportunities Fund, which it expects to launch later this month with about $50 million, has an optimistic growth scenario.