


法国的新总统弗朗索斯·荷兰德可能是一个社会主义者,但他计划实施经济改革,将使国家重塑到与U.K.在托尼布莱尔下面更类似的改革。“成长,正义和财政纪律是彼此需要的三个组成部分,”哈佛大学教授Philippe Aghion说,他是一位建议新总统的经济学家。“荷兰德是法国版的新劳动力。这让他成为一个有趣的人物。之前,这是凯恩斯主义经济学的所有经济学,他正在远离那个,“Aghion告诉亚博赞助欧冠。但它不是传统的供应侧经济学,边际税率低,荷兰德正在寻求实现。The Socialist ran on a mishmash of a platform, vowing to bring the government’s budget into balance but also promising moves that would cost significant amounts of money — like undoing former president Nicolas Sarkozy’s minor victory of raising the retirement age to 62 from 60. Overall, though, he’s seen as a moderate. The Rouen-born career politician was quick to soothe worries about his policies by appointing Pierre Moscovici, a moderate and former European affairs minister, as Finance minister. Hollande says he plans to revitalize France by focusing on youth and improving education, including adding 60,000 public education jobs. How the country will pay for it is another question. Aghion says that Hollande wants to not only increase income taxes on the middle and upper classes, with a whopping rate of 75 percent on incomes of €1 million ($1.25 million) or more, but also raise corporate taxes and close loopholes. Such moves are necessary to build support for later cost-cutting, the economist adds. “If you don’t show right away that you are more fair, you can’t get the consensus. That will allow him to cut spending,” he emphasizes. France’s pension system faces a $130 billion deficit by 2050. If Hollande plans to implement pension cuts that Sarkozy couldn’t, as he says he will, he will face stiff challenges from quick-to-strike unions and an electorate already wary of globalization.

