
一年前,俄罗斯年轻的资产管理行业的领导者们感到沮丧,尽管他们的国家和其他新兴市场一样,也在发展。他们抱怨说,散户投资者在2008年的金融危机中受到了太大的创伤,以至于无法购买共同基金,而养老金法规正在扼杀机构业务的发展。这些天来,挫折感正在加深。阿尔法资本资产管理公司(Alfa Capital Asset Management Co.)高级分析师弗拉基米尔·布拉金(Vladimir Bragin)表示:“市场正在萎缩。客户希望购买价格非常低廉的保守型产品。这是适者生存。”到目前为止,阿尔法的生存状况良好。截至2012年6月的12个月内,该公司管理的资产增长了42%,达到25亿美元,在俄罗斯20强中排名第七,亚博赞助欧冠机构投资者的第二届全国领先基金经理年度排名。阿尔法是名单上为数不多的获奖者之一。大多数其他俄罗斯管理者大量流失资产。三驾马车Dialog资产管理公司(Troika Dialog Asset Management)在2008年9月前的繁荣时期主导了一个新兴的零售市场,其持股缩水26%,至24.6亿美元;该公司的排名从2011年的第四位下滑至第九位。三驾马车的传统国内竞争对手UralSib资产管理公司公布资产减少19%,至32.7亿美元。俄罗斯最著名的全球机构代理机构繁荣资本管理公司股价下跌29%,至34.4亿美元。这一下滑将该公司从排名的第一位推到了第四位。这些令人沮丧的数字在很大程度上反映了俄罗斯股市的低迷。在截至6月30日的一年中,基准RTS指数下跌了26%。夏季股市的强劲反弹——RTS指数从6月1日至9月1日上涨了13%——对基金经理的前景影响不大。大多数莫斯科专业人士认为,市场需要的不仅仅是一次性的反弹,才能重获活力。由于反复发生的金融危机和俄罗斯银行的高利率,零售市场看起来几乎奄奄一息。该国的股票市场只存在了大约17年,股票投资者看到投资组合在1998年和2008年两次缩水超过一半。RTS的交易量仍比四年前的峰值低45%。与此同时,渴望流动性的俄罗斯银行对一年期存款提供9%的利率,这比该国6%的通货膨胀率有一个舒适的幅度。因此,俄罗斯储户以压倒性多数投票支持银行账户的安全。一年前,资产经理们对三驾马车即将被国有大型银行SBERBAK收购感到兴奋,他们预计,在SBERBAK的20000家分行网络中,共同基金营销将出现爆炸式增长。这项收购现已完成,但大型基金的推出尚未开始。“我们最终将在斯伯尔银行的每个分行开始出售共同基金,但不是明天,”三驾马车的资产管理主管安东·拉赫曼诺夫(Anton Rakhmanov)表示。全球投资者几乎没有表现出取代俄罗斯退却的小投资者的意愿。在许多局外人看来,过去的一年,前总统德米特里·梅德韦杰夫(Dmitry Medvedev)领导下的经济现代化的希望已经让位于盗贼统治的停滞,弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)将在克里姆林宫担任新的六年任期。“与其他新兴市场相比,在向国际投资者出售股票方面,俄罗斯总是处于劣势,”法国巴黎银行投资合伙人公司(TKB BNP Paribas Investment Partners)的高级股票投资组合经理伊戈尔·达尼伦科(Igor Danilenko)表示。该公司是法国大银行与俄罗斯国有铁路公司之间的一家基金管理合资企业。尽管如此,TKB BNP似乎还是吸引了一些富有冒险精神的外国机构来到俄罗斯。在过去的一年中,该合资企业的资产仅缩水8.5%,这使得该公司将繁荣从俄罗斯20强的榜首位置上赶了下来。达尼连科表示,其资产基础中略多于一半是国际性的。(俄罗斯最大的雇主和企业养老金提供商俄罗斯铁路公司有一条长长的财务尾巴。排名第二的TransFinGroup Asset Management是铁路公司的内部经理。)与此同时,俄罗斯的养老金市场未能实现管理者们所希望的方式。2003年的一项改革让工人们可以选择将至少一部分退休储蓄投向私人养老基金,而不是国家养老基金,而这些机构的现金池已经膨胀到800多亿美元。然而,限制性法规使得管理这些财富宝藏很难产生利润。考虑这个规则,这听起来像是中央计划的遗迹:不管金融市场的表现如何,养老基金在任何历年都被禁止赔钱。这一规定确保很少养老金资产投资于股市;绝大多数都存放在俄罗斯国家债券和其他一些据称无风险的工具中。更糟糕的是,从资产管理人的角度来看,现行法律禁止他们向养老基金收取管理费。他们只能收取成功费,考虑到强制性的低回报策略,成功费很低。一些管理者,比如阿尔法,认为管理养老金是不值得的。“我们不打算在这一领域进一步扩张,”布拉金说。不过,其他参与者正在推动养老金领域的整合,希望它能以足够的规模获得回报。他们还预计,既然普京的连任已经结束,一个(部分)新政府开始着手工作,监管改革将会到来。这里最突出的例子是VTB资本资产管理。该公司是俄罗斯第二大银行、国家控股的VTB集团旗下的金融市场部门,是今年俄罗斯所有管理公司中资产增幅最大的一家,资产增加了一倍多,达到35亿美元6 billion and jumping from ninth place to third on the table. VTB has become the go-to manager for the retirement stashes of big Russian corporations like Norilsk Nickel, says portfolio management chief Vladimir Potapov. “You need economies of scale to make this business work,” he comments. Potapov and VTB also see a realistic chance that the state will finally liberalize pension management rules — not to help asset managers, but to enable pension funds to play their natural role of providing long-term money for equities and other instruments whose year-to-year performance can be volatile. VTB is not alone in its optimism. Troika’s Rakhmanov says he spends one quarter of his time lobbying for regulatory reform, focusing on a pensions working group drawn from the ministries of Finance, Economic Development and Social Protection. “We are sure that they listen to our recommendations,” he says. Danilenko of TKB BNP goes so far as to predict the timing of a bureaucratic catharsis. “Pension system reform is one of the top two or three items on the agenda of this government,” he says. “It will happen very soon, within the next six months.” Not everyone agrees, of course. Alfa is focusing instead on luring back funds from rich Russian individuals, who by all accounts moved billions abroad during the relatively tense period preceding Putin’s reelection in March. (Alfa Group’s chairman, Mikhail Fridman, is himself Russia’s sixth-richest man, with a fortune clocked by Forbes at $13.4 billion.) Capital flight in the first quarter of this year came to $34 billion, or nearly 2 percent of the country’s gross domestic product, according to Russia’s central bank, then dropped to $9.5 billion in the April-June quarter. Alfa has made headway among the nouveau riche with innovative fixed-income products based on the corporate bond market in Russia and neighboring ex-Soviet countries, Bragin says. Although Russian stocks have been volatile since the 2008 crisis, the bond market has come into its own. Dozens of companies, finding the gates of the Eurobond market slammed shut, have refinanced at home. Investors in ruble bonds now have a choice of some 500 issuers, from giant state companies like natural-gas monopoly Gazprom to junk bond credits yielding well into double digits. The central bank has fueled the market’s growth by accepting corporate paper as collateral for Lombard credits, Bragin explains. Alfa doesn’t use these state credits, but it has developed similar repo-type instruments to generate leverage and juice up fixed-income portfolios for its high-net-worth clients. Such tactics work well today, when the investing mantras are safety and wealth preservation. VTB’s Potapov says the steep losses of the crisis years have turned swashbuckling Russian investors into cautious rentiers. “Before 2008 if you mentioned risk management, people would say, ‘What are you talking about?’” he explains. “Now they want products that will preserve value for two or three years.” For Prosperity, the battered intermediary of global capital in Russia, the right response to lean times is simply to stay the course. The manager has no plans to alter its exclusive focus on long-only, all-equity country funds, says Mattias Westman, Prosperity’s Swedish-born founding partner. Putin’s bad press has obscured big management and governance improvements in Russia’s corporate sector since 2008, he contends. The average profitability of Prosperity’s shareholdings is more than double its precrisis peak, Westman says: “Companies are being better run to the point of being unrecognizable.”