
能源 - 天然气:第二


    花旗的Faisel Khan将一个地方放到2号。他的“自上而下/自下而上的严格为投资者提供了信心,即他的想法已经彻底审查了”他的想法“是彻底审查的,”一款货币经理断言。Over the next several years, Khan says, he will be focusing on “the ability of the U.S. to become energy independent” — including coverage of “the growing production of natural gas and natural-gas liquids in the U.S., the growing production of crude oil in the U.S. and the ability of these stocks to capitalize on that hydrocarbon growth.” He favors owning the names that will build pipelines and processing plants to transport and process all this output, such as CenterPoint Energy and Cheniere Energy, both of which are based in Houston; Sempra Energy of San Diego; and Tulsa, Oklahoma’s Williams Cos. The technology that enables this increased energy generation has “evolved over the last decade and a half and come to fruition in the U.S., and it has the potential to spread across the rest of the world,” Khan says.