欧洲货币机构投资者(Euromoney Institutional Investor)主席、爱尔兰著名诗人帕德瑞克·法伦(Padraic Fallon)的儿子在与癌症抗争了一年之后,亚博赞助欧冠于周六去世。
伟大的记者不一定能成为伟大的商人。搜寻和撰写开创性故事所需的技能,与那些在市场或董事会中取得成功的技能,是非常不同的。上个月,欧洲货币机构投资者公司(Eurom亚博赞助欧冠oney Institutional Investor)的董事长帕德瑞克·法伦(Padraic Fallon)在与癌症进行了长达一年的斗争后去世,他失去了一位精通这两方面才能的人。法伦是一位魅力非凡的领导人和精湛的记者,他将Euromoney从一个初出头角的金融出版商发展成为一家全球信息和数据巨头。法伦去世的时间相对较早,但他在66岁的人生中度过了最充实的时光。他于1946年9月21日出生在爱尔兰的韦克斯福德,是爱尔兰著名诗人帕德瑞克的六个儿子中最小的一个。他在都柏林的三一学院获得了商业研究的荣誉学位。法伦的职业生涯始于《爱尔兰时报》(Irish Times)的副编辑,最终在伦敦的《每日邮报》(Daily Mail)工作,在那里他引起了1969年创立欧洲货币(Euromoney)的帕特里克·萨金特(Patrick Sergeant)爵士的注意。1974年,萨金特任命法伦为《欧洲货币》的编辑时,他才28岁。11年后,法伦被提升为公司的总经理。第二年,他让欧洲货币上市。1997年8月,Euromoney以1.42亿美元从华特-迪士尼公亚博赞助欧冠司(Walt Disney Co.)手中收购了Institutional Investor。对于当时担任董事长的法伦来说,这笔收购是一笔具有里程碑意义的交易。这两家公司长期以来一直是竞争对手,法伦面临的最大挑战将是“注入(欧洲货币)公认的商业活力和营销技巧,但要小心不损害《机构投资者》的编辑独立性和在报道和写作方面已建立的声誉。”亚博赞助欧冠交易宣布一周后,《纽约时报》写道。赌注很高:欧洲货币已经借了1.5亿美元,这是它首次为收购融资而背负巨额债务。法伦成功地融合了两家公司,部分原因是他没有试图完全融合两家公司的文化。亚慱体育app怎么下载他任命了几名II高管进入欧洲货币委员会,其中包括首位女性董事黛安·阿尔法诺(Diane Alfano)。由法伦主持的董事会会议生动而冗长,以开玩笑和唇枪舌枪著称。机构投资者主席阿尔法诺说:“Padraic就是靠这个发展起来的。”亚博赞助欧冠“如果你是六个男孩中最小的,你就必须聪明机智地智胜你的哥哥们。” Fallon commanded incredible respect both inside and outside the company. He had relationships with the CEOs of most of the world’s major banks and with finance ministers around the globe. But he was also a man of the people, stopping to say hello to employees and taking a personal interest in their lives. If Fallon thought someone had good ideas, he would take that person under his wing, regardless of experience or education. “Never be afraid to hire people who are brighter than you are,” Fallon wrote as one of his 47 rules for running a Euromoney business. Among his other pearls of wisdom: “Simplest ideas are the best” and “Always recognize bad news early.” The Euromoney Institutional Investor chairman was a stickler for precision in writing. He authored the Euromoney style guide, a handbook of the dos and don’ts of clear and concise journalism. “If he caught you using one of the words on his banned list, you heard about it,” says Tom Lamont, longtime editor of II’s newsletter division and now general editor of II Intelligence. Fallon’s own writing was recognized for excellence in 1981 when he received a Wincott Special Award for outstanding financial journalism. Fallon wrote the Euromoney style guide on a manual typewriter, but he was no Luddite. During the past five years, he embraced technology, pushing Euromoney’s publications and businesses to think digitally.